

Hermann Einsele

  • Professor
  • Department of Medicine
  • University W?rzburg
  • Director
  • Department of Internal Medicine II
  • University Hospital W?rzburg
  • W?rzburg, Germany

Increasing 270 Dynamic Bayesian Influenza Forecasting in the United States random variability with increasing levels of j pregnancy ticker buy generic cabergoline 0.25 mg line,t is a desired feature other models have attempted to mimic through ad hoc means menopause pills buy 0.5 mg cabergoline overnight delivery. The random variability is not expected to vary across flu seasons and is poorly learned from the data women's health issues canada trusted cabergoline 0.25mg. Ideally menstruation tumblr purchase cabergoline 0.25 mg mastercard, logit(Ij,t) would describe all of logit(j,t) implying the discrepancy terms are zero. Thus, the common discrepancy component t captures systematic differences between logit(j,t) and logit(Ij,t) shared by all flu seasons. We anticipate there is discrepancy structure common to all flu seasons on the basis of the non-zero, average discrepancy trajectory in Figure 5. The flu season-specific discrepancy term, j,t, captures the component of logit(j,t) unexplained by logit(Ij,t) and t. Again, we anticipate season-specific discrepancy is needed on the basis of the season-specific discrepancy trajectories in Figure 5. In what follows, we specify the statistical models for each of the components of (5). The quantity Ij,t is completely determined once Sj,0, Ij,0, Rj,0, j, and j are specified. Del Valle 271 Figure 6: Parameter estimates for the best fit susceptible-infectious-recovered models corresponding to each flu season in Figure 4 (black) and 1,000 draws from the truncated Gaussian prior for Ij,0, j, and j (grey). Data from partially observed flu seasons are not used in the prior specification of Ij,0, j, and j. We believe this is a reasonable assumption for the task of forecasting seasonal influenza. This, however, would be a questionable assumption for the task of forecasting a less predictable and non-recurrent disease, such as pandemic influenza. Model for t the discrepancy process t captures the systematic discrepancy common to all flu seasons and is what allows the forecasts of a partially observed season to borrow discrepancy 272 Dynamic Bayesian Influenza Forecasting in the United States information from other flu seasons. The random-walk specification is a way to impose temporal structure to the common discrepancy model as t depends on t+1. As a result, we are always forecasting the end of the flu season and seldom the beginning of the flu season. From Figure 1, it is clear that the end of the flu season is relatively well-behaved and predictable as compared to the middle of the flu season. That is, the data observed at the beginning of the flu season imposes a constraint on the early part of the model while the reverse random-walk modeling assumption provides a constraint on the end of the flu season, restricting the spread of plausible trajectories. A reverse random-walk has been used with success in other forecasting contexts, such as presidential election forecasting (Linzer, 2013). We assigned the following priors to the precisions of (6) and (7): -2 T Gamma(2, 2), -2 Gamma(2, 0. The specific hyperparameters, however, were chosen somewhat by trial and error based on the visual plausibility of realizations drawn from the prior predictive distribution. Model for j,t We would like to explain logit(j,t) with logit(Ij,t) and t if possible. Figure 5, however, suggests this is not possible and thus the model will likely benefit from a season-specific discrepancy term, j,t. The constraint in (9) implies, yj,T Beta(logit-1 (T), (1 - logit-1 (T))), (10) (9) D. We impose temporal structure on j,t and encourage it to be close to zero for all t = T by modeling j,t with the following autoregressive, reverse random-walk: 2 j,t j,t+1 N(j j,t+1,j). As with t, the random-walk structure for j,t imposes a temporal dependence, as j,t depends on j,t+1. The reverse random-walk allows for easy incorporation of the identifying constraint in (9). Note that if j = 0, then (11) has no random-walk structure, as each j,t is modeled as a mean 0 Gaussian distribution with a season-specific variance. Said another way, the closer j gets to zero, the less temporal structure exists in the season-specific discrepancy process. Finally, we assign the following hierarchical prior to the precisions of the season-2 specific discrepancy model,j: -2,j Gamma(a, b), (14) -2 where a Gamma(5, 1) and b Gamma(1, 10). The smaller,j becomes (or equivalently, the larger the variance,j becomes), the more flexible j,t becomes. The hierarchical specification for precisions,j allows the estimation of,j for a partially observed flu season to borrow information from fully observed flu seasons.

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Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease 91 Judgment Certainty regarding the accuracy of the test What is the overall certainty of the evidence regarding the accuracy of the test Very low Low Moderate High No studies were included What is the overall certainty of the evidence regarding the effects of the test Certainty regarding effects Values Is there significant uncertainty or variability in how much people value the main outcomes Significant uncertainty or the judgment was based on the opinion of the experts pregnancy z pack antibiotic best cabergoline 0.5 mg, who variability considered that the existence of variability in this scenario is Possibly significant unlikely pregnancy hormones trusted cabergoline 0.5mg. 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Suspected Chagas disease: the panel concluded that the negative consequences associated with the intervention in terms of feasibility of use. Screening in seroepidemiological surveys: the panel accepted that the negative consequences associated with the intervention in terms of feasibility of use. Subgroup considerations Implementation considerations Monitoring and evaluation Research priorities Justification 96 Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease Reference summary 1. Microhematocrit, direct observation, and hemocultures compared to the diagnostic gold standard Evaluation Judgment Is the problem a priority Desirable effects Depending on prevalence, the number of patients who will develop specific organ damage as a consequence of an incorrect diagnosis will range from 7 to 72 more with the microhematocrit test, from 4 to 45 more with hemocultures, and from 2 to 20 more with direct parasitological examination. Very low Low Moderate High No studies were included Undesirable effects Research evidence Depending on prevalence, the number of patients who will develop specific organ damage as a consequence of an incorrect diagnosis will range from 7 to 72 more with the microhematocrit test, from 4 to 45 more with hemocultures, and from 2 to 20 more with direct parasitological examination. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease 99 Judgment Is there significant uncertainty or variability in how much people value the main outcomes Significant uncertainty or variability Possibly significant uncertainty or variability Probably no significant uncertainty or variability No significant uncertainty or variability Does the balance between desirable and undesirable effects favor the intervention or the comparison Balance of effects Values the panel judged that the accuracy of the diagnostic tests evaluated is insufficient to replace the diagnostic standard (serological follow-up). The implementation of some of the tests evaluated (microhematocrit and direct observation) instead of the diagnostic standard could potentially entail savings with regard to direct costs. However, considering the harm resulting from an incorrect diagnosis, these savings could turn into costs. Required resources 100 Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease Judgment What would be the impact on health inequity Additional information the implementation of simple diagnostic tests (microhematocrit and direct observation) instead of other more complex tests could potentially reduce inequity. The panel considered that the interventions are feasible to implement, especially microhematocrit tests and direct parasitological examination. The hemoculture tests require greater complexity and may not be feasible in some settings. The panel agreed that in the absence of accurate diagnostic tests that make it possible to determine who is sick and who is healthy, if acute Chagas disease is suspected, the standard diagnostic test should be performed, i. The panel accepted that the specificity of direct parasitological tests (practically no false positives), as well as their affordability and accessibility, which is why the panel decided to include them in the recommended diagnostic plan. Furthermore, the panel considered that the implementation of these tests could lead to early detection in some infected patients, which could be associated with benefits in terms of clinically relevant outcomes.

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Prospective purchasers women's health center umd buy cabergoline 0.5 mg with amex, including illegal straw purchasers women's health issues in brazil quality cabergoline 0.25 mg, interested in buying handguns from licensed dealers applied to purchase the gun at the place that profited from the sale rather than at a law enforcement agency breast cancer hashtags purchase 0.25mg cabergoline overnight delivery. This finding is consistent with prior research showing a negative association 118 Daniel W women's health clinic uihc buy cabergoline 0.25mg with visa. McGinty, and Ted Alcorn between these laws and intrastate diversion of guns to criminals; however, the effects were either mediated by or explained by lower levels of gun ownership in states with these laws (Webster, Vernick, and Bulzachelli 2009). Discretionary permitting procedures such as in-depth and direct scrutiny by law enforcement, longer waiting times, higher fees, and stricter standards for legal ownership may depress gun ownership and reduce opportunities for criminals to find individuals who have guns that they would be willing to sell or who would be targets for gun theft. Perhaps most relevant to current debates about federal gun policy, we found that states which regulated all handgun sales by requiring background checks and record keeping, not just those made by licensed dealers, diverted significantly fewer guns to criminals in other states. This finding is consistent with the results of a prior study of intrastate diversions of guns to criminals (Webster, Vernick, and Bulzachelli 2009) and the findings of an observational study of sales practices gun shows (Wintemute 2007; chap. The importance of fixing this flaw in current gun law is highlighted by data first reported here which indicate that nearly 80% of handgun offenders incarcerated in state prisons reported purchasing or trading for their handgun from an unlicensed seller who, in most states, was not legally obligated to ensure that the purchaser passed a background check or to keep a record of the transaction. Our examination of state firearms regulations and the interstate diversion of guns to criminals considered a larger array of laws than prior studies. Laws requiring private gun owners to promptly report theft or loss of firearms to police are intended to increase private gun seller accountability and provide law enforcement with a tool to combat illegal straw purchases when such purchasers accept no responsibility for the gun being in the hands of a prohibited person with dubious claims of unreported gun theft. Having this measure of accountability significantly reduced interstate gun trafficking, as did bans of junk guns. Junk guns are the least expensive guns, and their low price enables traffickers to invest relatively little money in guns that can sell for nearly five times more than retail prices on the streets in states with the most restrictive gun laws. Interestingly, a policy designed specifically to deter interstate gun trafficking- one-gun-per-month limits for gun buyers-was not associated with the export of guns to criminals in other states. Strong gun dealer regulations were also unrelated to exporting of crime guns across state lines. A prior study of intrastate trafficking found that strong dealer regulations by themselves were not effective unless law enforcement reported that they had a policy of regular compliance inspections. Our assessment of the effects of state gun control laws on the export of guns to criminals in other states had several limitations. First, the cross-sectional study design precludes an assessment of whether changes in gun control laws prompt subsequent changes in crime gun exports. Longitudinal crime gun trace data could not be obtained, as many of the state laws of interest were in place before crime gun tracing become common practice. In 2009, gun traces could not be completed for nearly 40% of crime guns due to insufficient or incorrect data. Third, although reducing the diversion of guns to criminals is a key objective of some gun control laws, there is currently insufficient research to discern the degree to which reductions in diverted guns affects gun violence, and it appears as though some have had no impact. In spite of these limitations, our study is the first to estimate independent associations between a number of state gun control laws and crime gun export rates while controlling for confounders, and it is the first longitudinal assessment of the impact of permit-to-purchase licensing that regulates all handgun sales. Our findings on cross-state diversions of crime guns underscores the importance of having more comprehensive federal regulation of firearm sales because lax laws in many states facilitate the arming of criminals beyond state borders. At a minimum, federal law should require background checks and record keeping for all firearms sales. Regulating many private sellers is a challenge, yet the data suggest that it is necessary to deter the diversion of guns to criminals, and requiring gun owners to report theft or loss of firearms provides additional accountability to prevent illegal sales. McGinty, and Ted Alcorn Ac know ledg ments Funding for this research was provided by grants from the Joyce Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies. Licensing of gun dealers, inspection of dealer records allowed, and criminal penalties for dealers who falsified records. Regulate private sales, require licensing of gun dealers, and allow inspections of dealer records. Preventing the Diversion of Guns to Criminals through Firearm Sales Laws 121 Vernick, Jon S. Vernick Surveys of criminals indicate that "street or illegal sources," family, and friends are the most common proximate sources for criminals to obtain guns (Webster et al. However, there are little data on how guns are initially diverted into the illegal market and into the hands of direct suppliers for criminals.

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Although based on the most current data possible menstrual vs pregnancy cramps cheap 0.5mg cabergoline visa, all the methods used still have substantial limitations breast cancer clothing cabergoline 0.25 mg on-line. The multiplier method merely relied on the judgement (from other experts as well as ours) of widespread and relatively mild disease that is not being reported womens health u of a effective 0.25 mg cabergoline. The method that extrapolated from seasonal influenza mortality data in under 65 year-olds was limited in that it effectively considered no aspects of the epidemiology of the new pandemic influenza virus other than the age distribution breast cancer kobe 9 order 0.5mg cabergoline amex, i. Yet there is little information comparing the current pandemic strain with seasonal influenza strains in terms of mortality risk in this younger age group. Although the Canadian epidemic appears to be waning, the method using the crude extrapolation of the course of this epidemic was very simplistic. Indeed, rather than being half complete, this epidemic wave could continue throughout the northern hemisphere summer and beyond. Particularly in the early stages of an epidemic there will be a lag in reported deaths and other severe outcomes. However, such adjustments would probably have little effect on the estimates presented in this article which are based on data from country epidemics which have progressed well beyond their early stages. There is also the potential for under-recognition of deaths attributable to influenza in those with serious co-morbidities, but this can only be addressed by careful research studies and post-epidemic modelling to determine total excess deaths. Nevertheless, this bias might be relatively smaller in this pandemic where more deaths involve young people. Also, once the new influenza A(H1N1)v strain was recognised there is likely to have been increased sensitivity for diagnosing influenza-related deaths (at least in developed countries where hospitalisation is likely to precede influenza-related death). All of the presented methods have limitations and could be refined using additional data to provide more robust estimates. Ultimately, such estimates require enhanced surveillance, outbreak investigations in a range of settings, and carefully designed population studies, ideally with serological testing [21]. A further reason for presenting this range of methods is to encourage data collection that can start to reduce the uncertainty around this important pandemic parameter. A ck now led ge m e n ts Our thinking on this topic has been stimulated by conducting funded contract work for the New Zealand Ministry of Health, though this contract work was focused on evaluating potential interventions that related specifically to the New Zealand setting. Interim Guidance for Clinicians on Identifying and Caring for Patients with Swine-origin Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection (4 May). Community Transmission of H1N1 Flu Appears to Decline in New York City (Press Release 12 June 2009). Health Department Survey Suggests that 7% of New Yorkers Had Flu-like Illness in May (Press Release 10 June 2009). Methods for estimating the case fatality ratio for a novel, emerging infectious disease. Federal District Secretariat of Health, Mexico this article was published on 2 July 2009. Modelling of the influenza A(H1N1)v outbreak in Mexico City, April-May 2009, with control sanitary measures. ArticleId=19254 We use a time dependent modification of the Kermack and McKendrick model to study the evolution of the influenza A(H1N1) v epidemic reported in the Mexico City area under the control measures used during April and May 2009. The model illustrates how the sanitary measures postponed the peak of the epidemic and decreased its intensity. It provides quantitative predictions on the effect of relaxing the sanitary measures after a period of control. We show how the sanitary measures reduced the maximal prevalence of the infected population from 10% to less than 6% of the total population. We also show how the model predicts the time of maximal prevalence and explains the effect of the control measures. Introduction In this work we present an analysis based on theoretical considerations, with the aim of understanding quantitatively the effects of the sanitary controls and their relaxation on the evolution of the influenza A(H1N1)v outbreak in Mexico City in the period from April to May 2009. These actions result in decreasing the maximum number of infected individuals, and the delay of the epidemic peak.

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