

Ms Catherine Collins

  • Dept of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • St Georges Hospital
  • London

Therefore gastritis from ibuprofen buy pantoprazole 40 mg free shipping, transformation is often expressed in terms of the area affected: for instance gastritis remedy food buy 40 mg pantoprazole fast delivery, the number of square kilometres deforested gastritis nutrition therapy generic pantoprazole 40 mg with visa, or the percentage of wetlands restored gastritis full symptoms discount pantoprazole 40mg without prescription. They may apply over very large areas to varying degrees and cumulatively have large consequences. Therefore, a more meaningful indicator of impact is the integral of severity over the area, and perhaps over time as well (duration), since long-lasting effects are more important than ephemeral effects. The final element in the land degradation definition is how to meaningfully combine a number of simultaneous changes of different magnitudes and even directions, into a single indicator. To date it has not been possible to satisfactorily include all aspects and values of biodiversity in this framework. As a result of the issues raised above, it is currently not possible to operationalize a land degradation definition alike the one provided to this assessment, which includes both ecosystem services and biodiversity. Definitions of degradation and restoration also require a measurement of change over time if they are to be detected and quantified. Two approaches have been used: Degradation and restoration are relative terms: "degraded relative to what? In practice, the nature of a specific data set often dictates the choice of reference state. This seems to be an obvious baseline from which to assess degradation and recovery since it is before the onset of the profound modifications brought about by the rapid increases in the human population, consumption and waste production in the modern era - at which point a distinct discontinuity appears in the degree and type of disturbance. Proxies are commonly used, such as paleo-ecological data, which is sparse, expensive to collect and requires great expertise to interpret. Another strategy is "space-for-time" substitution, where a currently existing ecosystem in another place (for instance, a protected area) is taken to represent the pre-modern past of the human-altered ecosystem under consideration. But the climate and other biophysical environmental conditions may have changed in the intervening time, or may be subtly different at the reference location, and it is difficult to disentangle the effect of anthropogenic degradation from natural environmental change. In some cases, the ecosystem structure, composition and function which we desire to retain or achieve is inextricably a product of human actions, and in these cases considering the ecosystem without human influence makes no sense. It is based on a deliberate, societally-informed choice and is therefore context dependent. Targets can range from being pragmatic - based on modest investments and readily available technology (such as to slow the rate of species loss) - to aspirational, an ideal outcome with little practical chance of being reached. In the former case, outcome-based metrics are usually set, whereas in the latter case effort-based metrics are more relevant. Counterfactual natural baselines avoid some of the challenges of pre-modern observation-based baselines, but they require a high level of expertise, sometimes using explicit process knowledge that constitutes a "model" of what would have happened in the absence of human effects. Some implementable examples exist: for instance, enough is known about the ecosystem dynamics of carbon to be able to state with good confidence what the soil carbon content at a site would have been under a natural cover. The first refers to the distant past, a "natural" state before human modification. The second is a "historical" state that refers to much more contemporary states, for which we have increasingly precise data. Unlike natural baselines, it is accepted that historical baselines may have undergone some human-induced change prior to their establishment, and therefore provide underestimates of the totality of degradation or restoration. Particularly in the case of non-linear change (for instance, degradation which levels off at a limit), a recent historical baseline underestimates the total degradation, relative to those where it occurred before the baseline was established. The closer to the present baselines are established, the more data are available, but the less they represent the totality of degradation. The advantage of earlier references is that they allow better detection of slow changes, particularly against noisy short-term variation. Various historical baselines have been used in the land degradation and restoration domain. Their differing and sometimes arbitrary starting dates make comparisons difficult and are open to selfserving manipulation. When we are interested in the impacts of policy or management changes, a recent baseline can be used - for instance the date at which an agreement came into force. Figure 1 1 Schematic diagram of various types of baselines (reference conditions) which can be used to identify degradation and restoration, and as a starting condition from which to measure trends.

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Boase gastritis jelentese discount pantoprazole 40mg with mastercard, Death in the Middle Ages: Mortality bile gastritis diet purchase pantoprazole 40mg overnight delivery, Judgement and Remembrance (New York: McGraw-Hill the gastritis diet pantoprazole 40mg overnight delivery, 1972) gastritis diet home remedy discount pantoprazole 20 mg visa. On the impact of time on the French death-image, see Richard Glasser, Time in French Life and Thought, trans. On the growing impact of time consciousness on the sense of finitude and death, see Alois Hahn, Einstellungen zum Tod und ihre soziale Bedingtheit: Eine soziologische Untersuchung (Stuttgart: Enke, 1968), especially pp. The response to "natural" death was a profound transformation of behavior at the hour of death. Klein, Die Bereitung zwn Sterben: Studim zu den evangelischen Sterbebьchem des 16. For customs see Placidus Berger, "Religiцser Brauchtum im Umkreis der Sterbelitur-gie in Deutschland," Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschqft 5 (1948): 108-248. See also Manfred Bambeck, "Tod und Unsterblichkeit: Studien zum Lebensgefьhl der franzцsischen Renaissance nach dern Werke Ronsarde," ms. Eberhard Klass, Die Schilderung des 20 Sterbens im mittelhochedeutscken Epos: Ein Beitrag zur mittelhochdeutschen Stilgeschichte, dissertation, Univ. Gustav Kunstler, "Das Bildnis Rudolf des Stifters, Herzogs von Цsterreich, und seine Funktion," excerpt from Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Galerie 1972 (Vienna: Kunsthistoriches Museum, 1972), about the very first such portrait. Patch, the Other World According to Descriptions in Medieval Literature (Cambridge, Mass. Emir Rodriguez Monegal, "Death as a Key to Mexican Reality in the Works of Octavio Paz," mimeographed, Yale Univ. Lenz Kriss-Rettenbeck, "Tod und Heilserwartung," in Bilder und Zeichen religtosen Volksglaubms (Munich: Callwey, 1963), pp. See articles by Paul Geiger, on "Sterbegalдute," "Sterben," "Sterbender," "Sterbekerze," "Tod," "Tod ansagen," "Tote (der)," "Totenbahre," in Handwцrterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens (Berlin: W. Albert Freybe, Das alte deutsche Leichmmahl in seiner Art und Entartung (Gьtersloh: Bertelsmann, 1909), pp. Henri Rondet, "Extrкme onction," in Dictionnaire de Sfriritualitй (1960), 4:2189-2200. Karl Sudhoff, "Eine kleine deutsche Todesprognostik," Archiv fьr Geschichte der Medizin 5 (1911): 240, and "Abermal eine deutsche Lebens- und Todesprognostic," ibid. Leibowitz, "A Responsum of Maimonides Concerning the Termination of Life," Koroth (Jerusalem) 5 (September 1963): 1-2. Paul Fischer, Strafm und sichemde Massnahmen gegen Tote im germanischen und deutschen Recht (Dьsseldorf: Nolte, 1936). Fehr, "Tod und Teufel im alten Recht," Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte 67 (1950): 50-75. Karl Kцnig, "Die Behandlung der Toten in Frankreich im spдteren Mittelalter und zu Beginn der Neuzeit (1350-1550)," ms. Hans von Hentig, Der nekrotrope Mensch: Vom Totenglauben zur morbiden Totennдhe (Stuttgart: Enke, 1964). Art, liberated from the need to represent dogma, now shows the human figure, its actions, and even the dead things which surround it as intimately interwoven in the representation of the fleeting moment (Vergдnglichkeit). He was only the master of his life to the extent that he was the master of his death. From the 17th century onward, one began to abdicate sole sovereignty over life, as well as over death. These matters came to be shared with the family which had previously been excluded from the serious decisions; all decisions had been made by the dying person, alone and with full knowledge of his impending death. Peignot, Choix de testaments anciens et modemes, remarquables par leur importance, leur singularitй ou leur bizarrerie, 2 vols. Maitiand, "The Last Will," in the History of the English Law Before the Time of Edward I (Cambridge: University Press, 1968), vol. John Koty, Die Behandlung der Alien and Kranken bet den Naturvцlkem (Stuttgart: Hirschfeld, 1934). Will-Eich Peuckert, "Altentцtung," in Handwцrterbuch der Sage: Namens des Verbandes der Vereine fьr Volkskunde (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1961). Infanticide remained important enough to influence population trends until the 9th century. Ackerknecht, "Death in the History of Medicine," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 42 (1968): 19-23. Death remained a marginal problem in medical literature from the old Greeks until Giovanni Maria Lancisi (1654-1720) during the first decade of the eighteenth century.

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In einer randomisierten und kontrollierten Interventionsstudie ьber 3 Monate mit 67 Mдnnern und Frauen mit Hypercholesterolдmie hatten lцsliche Ballaststoffe (13 g/Tag) auf die Triglyceride im Plasma keinen Einfluss (Tai et al gastritis diet 91352 generic pantoprazole 40mg line. Mit ьberzeugender Evidenz besteht kein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Konsum von Vollkornprodukten und der Konzentration der Triglyceride im Plasma. Eine erhцhte Zufuhr lцslicher Ballaststoffe insgesamt hat laut den Ergebnissen der Meta-Analysen mit ьberzeugender Evidenz keinen Einfluss auf die Konzentration der Triglyceride im Plasma. Die Autoren weisen darauf hin, dass nur in einer der 13 Einzelstudien ein signifikanter Effekt festgestellt wurde. Die Heterogenitдt in den Einzelergebnissen bezog sich insbesondere auf die Unterschiede zwischen Normalgewichtigen und Ьbergewichtigen. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse einer Meta-Analyse wird die Evidenz fьr einen fehlenden Zusammenhang zwischen einer Fructosezufuhr von < 100 g/Tag und der Nьchterntriglyceridkonzentration im Plasma sowie zwischen einer Fructosezufuhr von < 50 g/Tag und der postprandialen Triglyceridkonzentration im Plasma jeweils als wahrscheinlich eingestuft. Bei einer hцheren Fructosezufuhr von bis zu 350 g/Tag steigt die Nьchterntriglyceridkonzentration im Plasma mit ьberzeugender Evidenz an. Ballaststoffe insgesamt haben mit ьberzeugender Evidenz keinen Einfluss auf die Konzentration der Triglyceride im Plasma. Dies gilt auch fьr spezielle Untersuchungen mit Hafermehl, Psyllium, Pektin und Guar. Я-Glucan aus Gerste senkt laut den Ergebnissen einer Meta-Analyse mit ьberzeugender Evidenz die Triglyceridkonzentration im Plasma. Bei einem Ersatz von einfach oder mehrfach ungesдttigten Fettsдuren durch Kohlenhydrate steigt dieser Quotient an, wдhrend bei einem Ersatz von gesдttigten Fettsдuren durch Kohlenhydrate diese Cholesterolfraktionen in gleichem MaЯe beeinflusst werden, der Quotient sich also nicht дndert (Mensink et al. Die erhцhte Triglyceridkonzentration kann bei unverдndert kohlenhydratreicher Ernдhrung Monate bestehen bleiben, aber auch nach einiger Zeit wieder absinken. Mono- und Disaccharide auf die Konzentration der Lipoproteine im Plasma besteht, mit Ausnahme von Fructose, wegen einer nicht ausreichenden Zahl von Studien eine unzureichende Evidenz. Fructose hat eine stдrkere lipogene Wirkung und fьhrt zu einem stдrkeren Anstieg der Triglyceridkonzentration im Plasma als Glucose und daraus zusammengesetzte Kohlenhydrate (Tappy und Le 2010). Eine Fructosezufuhr von < 100 g/Tag fьhrt jedoch zu keinem Anstieg der Nьchterntriglyceridkonzentration im Plasma und eine Fructosezufuhr von < 50 g/Tag ebenfalls zu keinem Anstieg der postprandialen Triglyceridkonzentration im Plasma. Hier sind dringend randomisierte, kontrollierte lдngerfristige Interventionsstudien notwendig, um die Einflьsse einer Verдnderung der Zufuhr von Kohlenhydraten (auch unterschiedlicher Kohlenhydrate) und von lцslichen und unlцslichen Ballaststoffen unabhдngig voneinander zu untersuchen. Durch eine Дnderung der Energiebilanz werden aber auch die Wirkungen von Nahrungsbestandteilen auf die Lipoproteine im Plasma verдndert. Es mьssen weitere kontrollierte Interventionsstudien zu den Wirkungen einer kohlenhydratreichen (auch Glucose versus Fructose) Ernдhrung auf die Lipoproteine im Plasma bei zuverlдssig konstantem Kцrpergewicht durchgefьhrt werden. AusmaЯ und Dauer der kohlenhydratinduzierten Hypertriglyceridдmie bei gesunden Personen in Abhдngigkeit von Art und Menge der zugefьhrten Kohlenhydrate mьssen systematisch untersucht werden. Zu den Einflьssen von Mono- und Disacchariden und Polysacchariden (Stдrke) auf die Lipoproteine im Plasma ist die Datenlage unzureichend. Hier sind weitere langfristige, randomisierte, kontrollierte Interventionsstudien notwendig. Effect of soluble fiber intake in lipid and glucose levels in healthy subjects: a randomized clinical trial. Prospective, randomized, controlled comparison of the effects of low-fat and low-fat plus high-fiber diets on serum lipid concentrations. The influence of diet on serum triglycerides in South Africa white and Bantu prisoners. Loci influencing lipid levels and coronary heart disease risk in 16 European population cohorts. Relationships between the development of biological risk factors for coronary heart desease and lifestyle parameters during adolescence: the Northern Ireland Young Hearts Project. Five-week, low-glycemic index diet decreases total fat mass and improves plasma lipid profile in moderately overweight nondiabetic men.

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