

Seth D. Force, MD

  • Associate Professor of Surgery
  • Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Emory University
  • Atlanta, Georgia

The rainfall associated with a hurricane is on the order of 6 to 12 inches asthma medications 7 letters order 300mg seroquel overnight delivery, with higher levels common medicine on time generic seroquel 200 mg fast delivery. The rain may precede landfall by hours and may persist for many hours after landfall medicine valium effective 50 mg seroquel, causing severe flooding treatment dvt proven seroquel 300 mg. These can batter the coastline, causing devastating damage to the shoreline itself and to structures near the shore. The velocity of the water moving back and forth undermines the foundations of building and piers by removing the soil from around them. Contamination of water supplies, flooding of sewage treatment facilities, and even dam failure may occur. Estimating the Force of Hurricanes the Saffir-Simpson scale is a widely recognized and accepted practical tool planners rely on to estimate the destructive forces associated with hurricanes. This scale classifies hurricanes into five categories based on wind speed and describes the destructive forces caused by wind, storm surge, and wave action for each category. Hurricane Category 1 2 3 4 5 Wind Speed (mph) 74-95 96-110 111-130 131-155 156+ A copy of the Saffir-Simpson scale is located at the end of this attachment, as Table 6-D-1. It is vital that the team plan for the highest category of hurricane that is likely to strike the jurisdiction. Identify government resources such as essential equipment, tools, stockpiles, vital records, etc. It also identifies many of the unique and/or regulatory planning considerations that should be examined by the planning team and used, as appropriate, when preparing hurricane-specific appendices. General: Response Schedule For this hazard a Hurricane Response Schedule is used in each of the hazardspecific appendices to describe the emergency response actions that should be accomplished when responding to a hurricane. The schedule establishes phases for the approaching hurricane, describes the activities to be completed during each phase, and sets the priority for the activities to be completed. Each phase covers a discrete period of time and details the specific actions that should be completed during the phase. Defines the hours needed before arrival of gale force winds to carry out the activity. Contains other critical information that tasked organizations need to perform their assigned responsibilities. The following provisions for notifying the public should be addressed, if appropriate, in one or more appendices to a warning annex. This section deals with the provisions that should be made to prepare and disseminate notifications, updates, and instructional messages to follow up on the initial warning. The information gained from such studies and the risk assessment should be used to develop the planning instructions that will be relied upon to carry out an evacuation for those people at risk. These zones delineate the natural and manmade geographic features of the areas(s) to be evacuated. Estimating the number of people requiring transportation support t o evacuate the risk area. Specifying the clearance times needed to conduct a safe and timely evacuation under various hurricane threats.

Students will identify activities that are available in each type of community medications ocd buy seroquel 200 mg otc, and discuss how those activities affect the people living in that community medicine bottle order seroquel 200mg on line. Students will examine the ethnic and/or cultural groups represented in their classroom symptoms 0f pneumonia buy 300mg seroquel overnight delivery. Students will explore the cultural diversity of their local community by identifying activities that have been introduced by different cultural groups 340b medications order 300mg seroquel free shipping. Students will identify community events that help promote a common community identity. Students will explore how different ideas, talents, perspectives, and culture are shared across their community. Students will explore democratic principles, such as dignity for all, equality, fairness, and respect for authority and rules, and how those principles are applied to their community. Students will examine the ways in which the government in their community provides order and keeps people safe, and how citizens can demonstrate respect for authority. Students will learn about the process of voting and what opportunities adults in the community have for participation. Students will participate in voting within the classroom and in school, as appropriate. Students will examine the symbols of the country, including the eagle, American flag, the Statue of Liberty, the White House, and Mount Rushmore. Students will explain the importance of making fair laws and rules, the benefits of following them, and the consequences of violating them. Students will identify who makes and enforces the rules and laws in their community. Students will explore opportunities to provide service to their school community and the community at large. Students will identify how adults can provide service to the school and the community at large. Students will examine how land within a community is used and classify land use as "residential" (used for housing), "industrial" (used to make things), "commercial" (used to provide services), and "recreational" (where people play or do sports). Students will create maps including maps that represent their classroom, school, or community, and maps that illustrate places in stories. Students will compare how different communities in their state or nation have developed, and explain how physical features of the community affect the people living there. Students will explore how humans have positively and negatively affected the environment of their community though such features as roads, highways, buildings, bridges, shopping malls, railroads, and parks. Students will describe the means people create for moving people, goods, and ideas in their communities. Students will use a compass rose to identify cardinal (North, South, East, West) and intermediate (Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest) directions on maps and in their community. Students will locate the equator, northern and southern hemispheres, and poles on a globe. Students will use maps and legends to identify major physical features, such as mountains, rivers, lakes, and oceans of the local community, New York State, and the nation. Students will examine continuities and changes over time in their community, using evidence such as maps, population charts, photographs, newspapers, biographies, artifacts, and other historical materials. Students will develop a time line for their community, including important events, such as when the school was built. Students will distinguish between cause and effect and will examine changes in their community in terms of cause and effect. Students will investigate what resources are available in their community and what resources are obtained from neighboring communities. Students will explore the purpose of taxes and how they are collected in their communities. Services are actions performed by a person or group of people with a certain skill. Students will distinguish between goods and services and identify goods produced in their community. Community workers such as teachers, firefighters, sanitation workers, and police officers provide services. Students will explore how communities share resources and services with other communities. Grades K-8 Page 35 Grade 3 Grades K-8 Page 36 Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy Reading Standards for Informational Text Key Ideas and Details 1.

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When can states accept attested information from an applicant or beneficiary treatment innovations generic 50mg seroquel otc, even if the state identifies an inconsistency between information provided on an application or renewal form and information available from electronic data sources Such discrepancies may relate to any eligibility criteria for which electronic data has been obtained chi royal treatment cheap seroquel 200 mg on-line, including income medications known to cause pancreatitis generic seroquel 50mg with visa, resources or state residency medicine woman seroquel 200 mg sale. For example, if an individual attests to monthly wage earnings of $2,000 and the quarterly wage data includes earnings of $2,500, the state can accept an explanation that the individual has experienced a recent reduction in hours and make an income finding of $2,000. Page 37 of 161 Last Updated January 6, 2021 Alternatively, the state could require the individual to provide a recent paystub that supports an income finding of $2,000. This exception does not apply to eligibility criteria, such as citizenship and immigration status, for which documentation is statutorily required. Rather, the requirement means, in the unusual circumstances described, that (1) states must accept self-attestation of eligibility requirements for which there is no data source to support electronic verification; and (2) states must accept a reasonable explanation attested by, or on behalf of, the individual explaining a discrepancy between attested information on the application or renewal and electronic data obtained by the agency. If a state enrolls an individual based on self-attested information under the special circumstances exception provided at 42 C. As a state option, states also have flexibility to suspend or modify periodic data matching between initial application and regular renewals. What flexibilities do states have to modify eligibility verification policies in their Basic Health Program States that elect to follow the Medicaid eligibility verification process may modify their verification policies to use attestation for eligibility factors, unless the statute requires other verification (such as for citizenship and immigration status); to accept attested information for an initial determination and enrollment, and conduct other verification processes post-enrollment; or to change their reasonable compatibility standard for verification of income. At state option, a good faith extension may be available for non-citizens verifying their lawfully present immigration status under 42 C. For states that follow the Exchange eligibility verification processes, regulations at 45 C. States are permitted to accept attestations of eligibility criteria that are verified post-enrollment, including social security numbers, citizenship, lawfully present immigration status, residency, and incarceration status. Individuals have up to 90 days to present documentary evidence, which can be extended if the applicant makes a good faith effort to obtain the documentation. In the case of a student attending a boarding school, the state in which the school is located has the option under the regulations to consider students living at the school to be residents of the state. If a state chooses not to consider certain students living in the state as state residents, the state plan must indicate that policy. What other options are available for State Medicaid programs to address payment for services provided to out-of-state students Even if a state has not entered into an interstate residency agreement, under 42 C. The 1135 waiver can be used to broaden the provider enrollment exception and waive the instances of care criteria outlined in the Medicaid Provider Enrollment Compendium for the duration of the public health emergency. The state is no longer required to maintain the same amount, duration, and scope of benefits, consistent with the limitations described in 42 C. States may transition a beneficiary to another group for which they are eligible that covers benefits of a lesser amount, duration, and/or scope, consistent with the limitations described in 42 C. Are states required to provide continuous coverage for all Medicaid beneficiaries through the end of the month in which the emergency period ends States may terminate coverage for individuals who request a voluntary termination of eligibility, or who are no longer considered to be residents of the state. If a state has already terminated coverage for individuals enrolled as of March 18, 2020, what actions should the state take At a minimum, states are expected to inform individuals whose coverage was terminated after March 18, 2020 of their continued eligibility and encourage them to contact the state to reenroll. Where feasible, states should automatically reinstate coverage for individuals terminated after March 18, 2020 and should suspend any terminations already scheduled to occur during the emergency period. During the emergency period, should states still terminate Medicaid coverage for deceased individuals Individuals who are determined to be deceased are no longer residents of the state. Does continuous coverage for the emergency period apply to individuals who are receiving benefits during a period of presumptive eligibility

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Immunoglobulin therapy should be applied where it is most supported by evidence and where it will provide the greatest clinical benefit medications contraindicated in pregnancy purchase seroquel 300mg without prescription. The evidence considered in this document treatment authorization request buy 100 mg seroquel amex, as well as the recommendations based therein medicine hat news cheap seroquel 300mg otc, should be viewed as currently relevant but likely to change given ongoing research and cumulative experience symptoms 3 days after embryo transfer generic seroquel 200 mg fast delivery. Thromboembolic events as an emerging adverse effect during high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in elderly patients: a case report and discussion of the relevant literature. Use of intravenous immunoglobulin in human disease: a review of evidence by members of the Primary Immunodeficiency Committee of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society guideline on management of multifocal motor neuropathy. Report of a joint task force of the European Federation of Neurological Societies and the Peripheral Nerve Society-first revision. Subcutaneous immunoglobulin therapy for the treatment of multifocal motor neuropathy: a case report. Subcutaneous immunoglobulin in polymyositis and dermatomyositis: a novel application. Subcutaneous versus intravenous immunoglobulin in multifocal motor neuropathy: a randomized, single-blinded cross-over trial. Use of intravenous gamma-globulin in antibody immunodeficiency: results of a multicenter controlled trial. Controversies in IgG replacement therapy in patients with antibody deficiency diseases. Early and prolonged intravenous immunoglobulin replacement therapy in childhood agammaglobulinemia: a retrospective survey of 31 patients. High- vs low-dose immunoglobulin therapy in the long-term treatment of X-linked agammaglobulinemia. Impact of trough IgG on pneumonia incidence in primary immunodeficiency: A meta-analysis of clinical studies. B-cell function in severe combined immunodeficiency after stem cell or gene therapy: a review. Efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin in primary humoral immunodeficiency disease. Benefit of intravenous IgG replacement in hypogammaglobulinemic patients with chronic sinopulmonary disease. Common variable immunodeficiency: clinical and immunological features of 248 patients. Efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin in the prevention of pneumonia in patients with common variable immunodeficiency. Immunoglobulin therapy to control lung damage in patients with common variable immunodeficiency. Clinical, immunologic and genetic analysis of 29 patients with autosomal recessive hyperIgM syndrome due to activation-induced cytidine deaminase deficiency. The X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome: clinical and immunologic features of 79 patients. Infection outcomes in patients with common variable immunodeficiency disorders: relationship to immunoglobulin therapy over 22 years. The use of immunoglobulin therapy for patients with primary immune deficiency: an evidence-based practice guideline. Use and interpretation of diagnostic vaccination in primary immunodeficiency: a working group report of the Basic and Clinical Immunology Interest Section of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Review of intravenous immunoglobulin replacement therapy trials for primary humoral immunodeficiency patients. Natural history of selective antibody deficiency to bacterial polysaccharide antigens in children. Impaired specific antibody response and increased B-cell population in transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy. Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy: intravenous immunoglobulin as first line therapy. Does intravenous immunoglobulin therapy prolong immunodeficiency in transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy Efficacy of intravenous gammaglobulin for immunoglobulin G subclass and/or antibody deficiency in adults.


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