

Kevin Maurice Coleman, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine


This is the process of discovering how a device works by disassembling and analyzing in detail its structure and function erectile dysfunction pump surgery buy kamagra super 160mg with mastercard. Reverse engineering allowed Soviet engineers to rather quickly reproduce a near perfect copy of the U jack3d causes erectile dysfunction order kamagra super 160 mg visa. Reverse engineering still flourishes in military settings and increasingly in civilian industries-for example impotence exercise cheap kamagra super 160 mg with mastercard, in chip and software development where rival companies compete on the basis of innovation and design erectile dysfunction protocol pdf buy kamagra super 160 mg low price. Moreover, they knew its performance specifications: carry 10 tons of explosive at 357 mph at an altitude of 36,000 feet with a range at half-load of 3,250 miles. They also knew how various parts function: wings, rudder, engines, control devices, and so forth. Once the "how" of a design is captured, a deeper goal can be approached: what a reverse engineer really seeks is to understand the why of a design-why has each feature been given its particular form But neuroscience has been somewhat handicapped by the lack of a framework for all this data. To some degree we 2 Chapter 1 resemble the isolated tribe in New Guinea that in the 1940s encountered a crashed airplane and studied it without comprehending its primary function. By placing the data in some framework, we can begin to evaluate how well our device works and begin to consider the why of its design. We will make this attempt, even though it will be incomplete, and sometimes wrong. Designing de novo Engineers knows that they cannot create a general design for a general device-because there is no general material to embody it. So they start with a list of questions: Precisely what is this machine supposed to accomplish What error rates can be tolerated, and which type of error is most worrisome-a false alarm or a failure to respond Danger lurks in every vague expression: "very fast," "pretty small," "power-efficient," "error free. Engineers knows that no device can be truly instantaneous or error free-so they know to ask how high should we set the clock rate, how low should we hold the error rate, and at what costs The engineer realizes that every device operates in an environment and that this profoundly affects the design. A car for urban roads can be low slung with slender springs, two-wheel drive, and a transmission geared for highway speeds. But a pickup for rough rural roads needs a higher undercarriage, stouter springs, four-wheel drive, and a transmission geared for power at low speeds. The decision regarding which use is more likely (urban or rural) suffuses the whole design. Moreover an engineer always wants to quantify the particular environment to estimate the frequencies of key features and hazards. One assumes, for example, that before building a million pickups, someone at Nissan bothered to measure the size distribution of rocks and potholes on rural roads. What Engineers Know about Design 3 Knowing the frequencies of various parameters allows rational consideration of safety factor and robustness: how much extra clearance should be allowed for the rare giant boulder; how much thicker should the springs be for the rare overload Such considerations immediately raise the issue of expense-for a sturdier machine can always be built, but it will cost more and could be less competitive. Roads improve-and then deteriorate- so vehicle designs must take this into account. One strategy is to design a vehicle that is cheap and disposable and then bring out new models frequently. Another strategy is to design a more expensive vehicle and invest it with intrinsically greater adaptive capacity-for example, adjustable suspension. Both designs would operate under the same basic principles; the main difference would lie in their strategies for adaptation to changes in demand. In biology the first strategy favors small animals with short lives; the second strategy, by conserving time and effort already invested, favors larger animals with longer lives.

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Using two small brushes erectile dysfunction mayo kamagra super 160mg with visa, the experimenters synchronously stroked corresponding positions of the rubber and real arm erectile dysfunction protocol generic 160 mg kamagra super mastercard. All these phenomena show how labile the perceived location of a stimulation can be impotence divorce proven 160 mg kamagra super, and how it depends on correlation with information from other modalities (in this case vision) erectile dysfunction effects kamagra super 160mg cheap. Even neural representations of body parts are known to be labile, as has been shown by Iriki et al. The distance from the target, L (0S), can then be obtained by a trigonometrical relation, according to the following formula: (1) L sin cos tan (), where: [0, /2] and: [3 /2 a, 2]. B: Curve representing angle in relation to angle (both expressed in radians) for the following values of L 0,1. He said he was surprised not to have felt the hot drops on the instrument: it felt anesthetized. Another everyday example of remote tactile sensing occurs when you write on a piece of paper with a pen: you feel the paper at the end of the pen: it is rough, it is smooth, it is soft. You locate the contact at the end of the pen, not on your fingers where the force is actually felt (this example is given by James 1890/1950). They have also been bulky, expensive, and too sensitive to light level variations, for them to be of practical use by the blind (Bach-y-Rita 1983; Easton 1992). Notwithstanding these problems, however, as concerns the question of visual experience, a number of highly interesting points have been made about the experiences of individuals who have used these devices (Apkarian 1983; Guarniero 1977; 1974). In an anecdote reported by Bach-y-Rita, the zoom control of the camera being used by a well-trained subject was moved, causing a sudden magnification or "looming" of the tactile image. A large gap was therefore present in the tactile representation of the visual field. This tactile analog of what might incorrectly be called "filling-in" of the retinal blind spot is, of course, unsurprising in the light of the present theory, where no filling-in mechanism need be postulated (cf. The question has been raised by Bach-y-Rita who prefers to put the word "see" in quotes. One justification for this, he claims, is the fact that people who have learnt to see with the device are disappointed when shown pictures of their loved ones, or erotic pictures: they have no emotional reaction. Bach-y-Rita interprets this as a failure of the device to provide true visual experience. An alternative, however, is to admit that the device does provide true visual experience, but that emotional and sexual reactions are strongly linked to the sensations that are experienced during the period when emotional attachment occurs and sexual interest develops. If, during the course of development, these experiences are initially non-visual, then they will remain nonvisual. Clearly from the point of view of the present theory, seeing is not a matter of "all or nothing. The invariants related to position and size changes of the tactile image are similar to those in normal vision. The fact that stimulation is provided through the skin should be irrelevant, providing the stimulation obeys the required sensorimotor laws. Of course, seeing with the skin probably involves laws that are not exactly the same as seeing with the eyes, just as seeing colors in the dark is not quite the same as in the light. The pattern of tactile sitmulation corresponds roughly to a greatly enlarged visual image. It was only when the observer was allowed to actively manipulate the camera that identification became possible and observers came to "see" objects as being externally localized (White et al. This important point constitutes an empirical verification of the mainstay of the present theory of visual experience, namely, that seeing constitutes the ability to actively modify sensory impressions in certain lawobeying ways. For instance, consider the following quote given by James (1890/1950) from the blind author of a treatise on blindness of the time: Whether within a house or in the open air, whether walking or standing still, I can tell, although quite blind, when I am opposite an object, and can perceive whether it be tall or short, slender or bulky. I can also detect whether it be a solitary object or a continuous fence; whether it be a close fence or composed of open rails, and often whether it be a wooden fence, a brick or stone wall, or a quick-set hedge. The currents of air can have nothing to do with this power, as the state of the wind does not directly affect it; the sense of hearing has nothing to do with it, as when snow lies thickly on the ground objects are more distinct, although the footfall cannot be heard. I seem to perceive objects through the skin of my face, and to have the impressions immediately transmitted to the brain. Despite such claims, however, by stopping up the ears of blind people with putty, James demonstrated to his satisfaction that audition was involved in the facial sense.

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Whenever a particularly serious disease problem occurs at a facility alcohol and erectile dysfunction statistics kamagra super 160 mg without a prescription, it may be necesssary to destroy all stocks of fish in order to prevent further spread of the infectious agent - see "Disposal of Infected Stocks" erectile dysfunction medicine bangladesh generic kamagra super 160mg. One such situation occurs when there are infected fish erectile dysfunction young living generic kamagra super 160mg online, which serve as reservoirs of infection erectile dysfunction drugs and glaucoma order 160mg kamagra super otc, that cannot be removed from the hatchery water supply. In this case, it may be necessary to install special equipment and effectively treat all of the incoming water to remove the pathogens before a disinfection operation is practical. In other situations, it may be appropriate to drill wells or to seek alternative pathogen-free water sources to avoid contaminated water supplies entirely. Disinfection may be impractical if economic consequences of the disease are less than the costs of disinfection, or where the probability of reinfection from nearby waters or fish farms is unavoidably high. On the other hand, when serious diseases are encountered a major disinfection operation may be called for. The situation that has occurred in Denmark (Jorgensen 1977) is a good example of how effective disease control can be achieved through disinfection and eradication. Such programs insure that a fish farm which undergoes disinfection is relatively sure that it will not be recontaminated by its neighbors. For a commercial operator, first consideration should be given to controlled marketing in ways which do not exacerbate the disease problem. Diseased live fish should obviously not be sold to another fish farmer who intends to raise them. However, market-sized fish may be sold commercially under certain circumstances (check with regulatory agencies on this aspect). For example, it has recently been demonstrated (Wolf and Markiw 1982) that hot smoking of fish infected with whirling disease will effectively destroy infectivity of the parasite. It may even be possible to utilize small fish in a pet food industry if the fish product would be pasteurized during processing State and federal hatcheries may be able to utilize infected stocks in a controlled stocking program in which infected fish could be planted in a known enzootic area where there would be little danger of spreading the disease to other fish or outside of the enzootic area. Burial is the least expensive, and the only practical method for large amounts of fish. For this method of disposal, a site should be selected that is remote from fish cultural areas and without drainage into natural waters. Local regulatory agencies often have special requirements which should be observed. A pit should be dug large enough to accommodate all the fish to be disposed of and provide for several feet of clean fill over the top. The fish should be buried in the pit over a layer of quicklime (Hoffman 1976) and each layer of fish should have another layer of quicklime spread over it. Since there are no apparent literature references to this type of disposal the relative amounts of quicklime to fish must be left to the judgement of the person supervising the disposal operation. It should be kept in mind, though, that fish carcasses contain much water, and an incinerator to be used for this purpose must be capable of handling the water content involved. Fish and Wildlife Service and Great Lakes Fishery Commission recommendations for the disinfection of fish cultural facilities. A preliminary planning conference should be convened at the hatchery for the purpose of relating planning to the actual physical facilities and situation. Cleaning and pre-disinfection preparation at the hatchery should be done several weeks prior to the actual disinfection. A final planning and preparedness conference should be held and attended by participants at the first meeting. Before starting actual disinfection of a hatchery, a number of preliminary steps are necessary. It is important that hatchery blueprints be carefully reviewed at this time to see that all unexposed piping (supply and drains) are included for disinfection at appropriate times. All raceways and troughs must be measured at full capacity and calculations made for the quantity of chlorine needed to produce a concentration of 200 ppm (available chlorine). Additional chlorine will be needed for preparation of the 1600 ppm spray solutions to be used on the interior of hatchery buildings and on walkways, etc.

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