

Melissa Anne Daubert, MD

  • Associate Professor of Medicine
  • Member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute


Zinc sulfide is used in making luminous dials medications in pregnancy discount 25mg capoten free shipping, X-ray and television screens medicine x ed quality capoten 25 mg, and fluorescent lights symptoms 5dpo buy capoten 25 mg with visa. It is the most abundant intracellular trace element treatment ulcerative colitis discount capoten 25mg, with >95% of the body zinc intracellular. An adult human contains about 2 g of zinc, of which about 60% and 30% are in skeletal muscle and bone, respectively, and 4­6% is present in skin (Table 9. Zinc turnover in these tissues is slow and, therefore, the zinc in these tissues is not accessible at times of deprivation. Because zinc is essential for the synthesis of lean tissue, it is while this is occurring that it may become a limiting nutrient. Although some zinc may be available in short-term zinc deprivation from a mobile hepatic pool, it is 9. The principal ores of zinc are sphalerite or blende (sulfide), smithsonite (carbonate), calamine (silicate), and franklinite (zinc iron oxide). With essential roles in many fundamental cellular processes (see below), it is not surprising that wholebody zinc content is tightly controlled. Zinc in foods is absorbed via a carrier-mediated transport process, which under normal physiological conditions appears not to be saturated. Proximal intestinal absorption is efficient, but it has a large enteropancreatic circulation; the net intestinal absorption of zinc is achieved by the distal small intestine. Body zinc content is regulated by homeostatic mechanisms over a wide range of intakes by changes in fractional absorption (normally 20­40%) and urinary (0. For example, during periods of low zinc intake, absorption is enhanced and secretion of endogenous zinc into the gastrointestinal lumen is suppressed. In contrast, high zinc intake is associated with decreased absorption and enhanced secretion of endogenous zinc. Within cells, fluctuations in zinc content are modulated by changes in the amount of the metal associated with the storage protein metallothionein but there is a large number and variety of zinc homeostatic proteins found throughout cells. Although zinc transporters are very important for generating and maintaining zinc gradients across membranes and within cellular compartments, little is known about many aspects of their functions and regulatory modes of action. The bioavailability of dietary zinc depends on dietary enhancers and inhibitors and host-related factors (Table 9. From a mixed animal and plant product diet, 20­30% zinc absorption can be expected. The lowest absorption, 10­15%, is seen from diets prevalent in developing countries that are based on cereals and legumes with a high phytate content and with negligible amounts of animal protein. Metabolic function and essentiality Zinc has three major groups of functions in the human body: catalytic, structural, and regulatory. Important structural roles for zinc are in the zinc finger motif in proteins, but also in metalloenzymes [e. Zinc is also required by protein kinases that participate in signal transduction processes and as a stimulator of transacting factors responsible for regulating gene expression. Zinc plays an important role in the immune system and, though not a redox-active transition metal, is an antioxidant in vivo. Deficiency symptoms the clinical manifestations of severe zinc deficiency in humans are growth retardation, sexual and skeletal immaturity, neuropsychiatric disturbances, dermatitis, alopecia, diarrhea, increased susceptibility to infections, and loss of appetite. Many of these features, by and large, represent the dependence on zinc of tissues with a high rate of turnover. However, severe zinc deficiency in humans is rare, and more interest has been focused on marginal zinc deficiency. This is more difficult to diagnose and often occurs with other micronutrient deficiencies including iron. The current understanding of zinc deficiency is largely based on responses to zinc supplementation. Zinc supplementation has been reported to stimulate growth and development in infants and young children, and reduce morbidity (diarrhea and respiratory infections) in children, particularly in developing countries and can increase both innate and adaptive immunity.

The myotomy is performed in the side of the esophagus opposite to where the diverticulum is located medications erectile dysfunction buy capoten 25mg free shipping. It should extend proximally to the upper border of the neck of the diverticulum and distally for 2 cm onto the gastric wall; a partial fundoplication is then performed treatment using drugs buy discount capoten 25mg. Prognosis A laparoscopic diverticulectomy symptoms of hiv buy cheap capoten 25 mg on line, with myotomy and fundoplication treatment math definition cheap 25mg capoten with amex, is successful in 80­90% of cases. The disorder causes an outflow obstruction at the level of the gastroesophageal junction, with a consequent increase in intraluminal pressure as well as progressive herniation of mucosa and submucosa through the esophageal muscle wall. A barium swallow clearly shows the position and size of the diverticulum (see Figure 35­6). Heartburn, usually considered synonymous with the presence of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux, is experienced by 20­40% of the adult population of Western countries. The incidence of reflux symptoms increases with age, and both sexes seem to be equally affected. Therefore, these patients often have more severe mucosal injury and more frequent atypical symptoms such as cough or hoarseness. Ear, nose and throat symptoms such as hoarseness or dental erosions are instead secondary to the upward extent of the acid with direct damage. Barium swallow-A barium swallow provides information about the presence and size of a hiatal hernia, the presence and length of a stricture, and the length of the esophagus. In addition, there is major inter-observer variation among endoscopists for the low grades of esophagitis. A good response to therapy with proton pump inhibitors is instead a better predictor of the presence of abnormal reflux. These symptoms represent extraesophageal presentations of the disease, including respiratory disorders such as asthma, as well as ear, nose, and throat abnormalities such as laryngitis (Table 35­1). This test should always be performed (1) in patients who do not respond to medical therapy; (2) in patients who relapse after the discontinuation of medical therapy; (3) before antireflux surgery; and (4) when atypical symptoms are present. The tracing should be analyzed for a temporal correlation between symptoms and episodes of reflux (Figure 35­7). Differential Diagnosis Irritable bowel syndrome, achalasia, cholelithiasis, and coronary artery disease can present with heartburn. Barrett esophagus (ie, metaplastic changes from squamous to columnar epithelium) is found in about 12% of patients with reflux documented by pH monitoring. Asthma, aspiration pneumonia, laryngitis, chronic sinusitis, and dental erosions can also occur. To increase the effect of gravity, the head of the bed should be elevated over 4- to 6-inch blocks. Other nonsurgical measures-Antacids are useful for patients with mild intermittent heartburn. H2 blocking agents are usually prescribed for patients with mild symptoms or mild esophagitis. Proton pump inhibitors are superior to H2 blocking agents because they exert a more profound control of acid secretion-healing of the esophagitis occurs in 80­90% of these patients. However, both the symptoms and esophagitis tend to recur in most patients after therapy is discontinued so that most patients need chronic maintenance therapy. In addition, about 50% of patients on maintenance proton pump inhibitors require increasing doses to maintain healing of the esophagitis. Indications for surgery-A laparoscopic fundoplication provides the same excellent results of open surgery, with symptom resolution in more than 90% of patients. It now requires a 1- to 2-day hospital stay and results in both minimal postoperative discomfort and a fast return to regular activity. Life-style modifications-Patients should eat frequent, small meals during the day to avoid gastric distention. A patient who is nonresponsive to medical therapy requires a thorough work-up to elucidate the cause of the foregut symptoms, and an alternative diagnosis ranging from irritable bowel syndrome to gallbladder disease is frequently found.

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When the nasolabial fold is lifted superiorly symptoms hypoglycemia generic capoten 25 mg otc, excess skin bunches along the lower lash line medications and grapefruit best capoten 25 mg. Preservation of a cuff of periosteum along the lateral orbit minimizes this complication medications not to be taken with grapefruit cheap 25 mg capoten fast delivery. Excessive skin excision may lead to ectropion medications 500 mg purchase capoten 25 mg visa, especially if the midface returns to its preoperative level. The sentinel vein: an important reference point for surgery in the temporal region. Complications the most common complications of forehead lifting are residual brow asymmetry, hematoma, paresthesias, and temporary paresis of the temporal branch of the facial nerve. Poor scarring can result with excessive tension on surgical wounds or cauterization of hair follicles. Midface lift patients may experience prolonged swelling due to disruption of lymphatics of the midface. The lid crease of the upper eyelid is formed by the insertion of the levator aponeurosis fibers into the skin and the orbicularis oculi muscle. It is approximately 8­ 12 mm superior to the lash line and lies just at the level of the upper edge of the tarsal plate. Medially and laterally, the crease is closer to the lid margin and has an arc shape across the lid. The Asian eye usually lacks this crease owing to the lower insertion of the levator aponeurosis on the tarsus, often with interposed fat. The lid fold describes the tissue above the lid crease and may extend throughout the length of the upper lid or it may be more localized. Excess tissue may develop in the aging face and sag over the lid crease, sometimes obscuring vision. A combination of excess skin, hypertrophied orbicularis oculi muscle, and herniated fat can be responsible for this blepharochalasis. Often, the overhang is exacerbated by the concomitant descent of the lateral eyebrow with aging. In the lower lid, there are three fat compartments: lateral, central, and medial (Figure 73­1). The muscle runs above the superior rectus and fans out anteriorly to become the levator aponeurosis. Insertion occurs at the level of the tarsus, as previously described, forming the lid crease (Figure 73­2). Tarsal Plate the tarsi are composed of fibrous tissue and provide the general shape and firmness to the eyelids. The upper and lower tarsi measure approximately 10 mm and 5 mm in height, respectively. Conjunctiva this mucous membrane is attached to the tarsal plate and covers the tarsus and Mьller muscle. Because of its firm tarsal attachment, the conjunctiva does not have to be sutured after incision. Histologically, there is columnar epithelium posteriorly and stratified squamous epithelium anteriorly. Orbicularis Oculi Muscle the orbicularis oculi muscle provides the main mimetic function to the eyelid. It receives its innervation from the temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve. The muscle is elliptical and divided into three bands (the pretarsal, preseptal, and preorbital), which attach to the bony orbit at the medial and lateral canthal tendons. The muscle can become hypertrophied over time and result in a full appearance of the eyelids. Important historical points include a recent change in vision, significant differences in visual acuity between the eyes, any history of trauma or previous eyelid or facial surgery, and the presence of cheek implants. Dry eye syndrome can be particularly troublesome postoperatively, and the history is often the best way to elicit it. Sensitivity to wind outdoors, excessive burning or tearing, or a 902 Orbital Fat Orbital fat cushions the globe and its associated structures, and its anterior limit is the orbital septum. In the upper eyelid, the fat separates the levator aponeurosis posteriorly and the orbital septum anteriorly. The orbital fat is divided into the upper medial and central compartments, and the lower medial, central, and lateral compartments.

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These agents should be instituted even before determining the cause of hyperthyroidism medicine 4h2 discount capoten 25 mg line. Propranolol has the advantage of inhibiting peripheral T4 to T3 conversion medicine 54 543 purchase capoten 25mg otc, whereas atenolol is more convenient with oncedaily dosing symptoms walking pneumonia capoten 25mg line. A typical starting dose is 10­20 mg of propranolol-three to four times a day sewage treatment generic capoten 25mg, or 25 mg of atenolol once daily. For unclear reasons, increased inflammation and the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans cause swelling of extraocular and retroorbital muscles, as well as displacement of the eye forward (also known as proptosis or exophthalmos). Patients can experience eye irritation; excessive tearing worsened by cold air, bright lights, or wind; diplopia; blurred vision; and, rarely, loss of vision. Glycosaminoglycans can accumulate in the dermis layer, causing thickening of the skin, especially over the anterior tibia (pretibial myxedema). The extrathyroidal manifestations often have a course independent of the thyroid disease itself and can persist despite restoration of the euthyroid state. Methimazole has the advantage of once-daily dosing with no risk of irreversible hepatitis, a rare side effect of propylthiouracil therapy. Also, in patients for whom 131I treatment is planned, methimazole is preferable to propylthiouracil because propylthiouracil may inhibit radioactive iodine uptake for weeks or months after discontinuation. Typically, a patient is started on a daily 20­40 mg dose of methimazole for 1­2 months, and then titrated down to a maintenance dose of 5­10 mg. Propylthiouracil (but not methimazole) blocks the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 and is traditionally used in the treatment of thyrotoxic crisis (as noted in the following section on "Thyrotoxic Crisis"). It also is more protein bound and is therefore the preferred drug in pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The typical starting dose of propylthiouracil is 100­150 mg three times a day; after 1­2 months it is titrated down to 50­ 100 mg twice daily. In pregnancy, if the initial dose of propylthiouracil is 300 mg or less and the maintenance dose is 50­150 mg daily, the risk of fetal hypothyroidism is extremely low. If the white blood cell count is normal, then the antithyroid drug can be resumed. Other serious side effects requiring discontinuation of drug include arthritis with both drugs; cholestatic jaundice with methimazole; angioneurotic edema, hepatocellular toxicity, and vasculitis with propylthiouracil. The degree of the thyroidectomy is variable among surgeons, but generally 2­3 g of thyroid tissue is left intact. It occurs in patients with inadequately controlled thyrotoxicosis who undergo surgery, radioactive iodine treatment, parturition, and severe stressful illnesses such as infections, uncontrolled diabetes, and myocardial infarction. Cardiac symptoms and signs include tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and congestive cardiac failure. Neurologic symptoms and signs include agitation, restlessness, delirium, and coma. The oral cholecystographic agents (sodium ipodate or iopanoic acid) similarly retard hormone release and also potently block T4 to T3 conversion, but they are not currently available in the United States. In addition, 50 g of hydrocortisone is administered intravenously every 6 hours, then tapered as clinical improvement occurs. Supportive measures include intravenous fluids and the management of electrolytes and nutrition. In the one randomized trial that assessed the efficacy of drug treatment, radioablation, and surgery, all three modalities were found to be equally effective. Methimazole-Methimazole treatment is chosen for long-term therapy, particularly in adolescents and young patients with small glands and less severe disease. The drug is usually given for up to 18 months to allow the disease to remit spontaneously. Radioactive iodine-Radioactive iodine ablation is the treatment of choice in patients 21 years and older. From a survey performed by the American Thyroid Association, 69% of American thyroid specialists recommended radioablation as the therapy of choice. In contrast, only 22% and 11% of European and Japanese thyroid doctors recommended radioablation as a first-line therapy. With this treatment modality, patients are dosed with radioactive iodine based on their uptake scan.


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