

Helen Boussios, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine


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Discuss the nursing considerations and teaching opportunities for asthma patients receiving beta-2 adrenergic agonists weight loss pills 2x buy discount xenical 120mg line, anticholinergics weight loss 4 doctors select nutraceuticals 60 mg xenical sale, and corticosteroids weight loss pills for over 50 order 120 mg xenical mastercard. Chart the sequence of events that illustrate the pathophysiology of chronic bronchitis weight loss nutrition plan xenical 60 mg with mastercard. During assessment, the nurse notes the presence of a "barrel chest," which the nurse knows is caused by: a. The nurse recognizes the need to be alert for the major presenting symptom of emphysema, which is: a. Arterial blood gas measurements that are consistent with a diagnosis of emphysema are: a. Diaphragmatic breathing is recommended for Lois because it does all of the following except: a. Decreased gas exchange at the cellular level resulting from a toxic substance is classified as: a. When oxygen therapy is being used, "No Smoking" signs are posted, because oxygen: a. A patient has been receiving 100% oxygen therapy by way of a nonrebreather mask for several days. Intermittent positive-pressure breathing differs from incentive spirometry in all the following ways except: a. To help a patient use a mini-nebulizer, the nurse should encourage the patient to do all of the following except: a. The suggested sequence of nursing actions for management of an upper airway obstruction is: a. When suctioning secretions from a tracheostomy tube, it is helpful to first instill: a. When suctioning a tracheostomy tube, the nurse needs to remember that each aspiration should not exceed: a. The sigh mechanism on an assist-control ventilator needs to be adjusted to provide sigh(s) per hour at a rate that is times the tidal volume. The term used to describe thoracic surgery in which an entire lung is removed is: a. Preoperatively, the patient who is scheduled for thoracic surgery needs to know that postoperatively: a. The water seal used in a disposable chest drainage system is effective if the water seal chamber is filled to the level of: a. Oxygen transport to the tissues is dependent on four factors:, and. Oxygen toxicity may occur when oxygen concentration at greater than % is administered for (length of time). List five signs and symptoms of oxygen toxicity:, and. Five examples of low-flow oxygen delivery systems are:, and. Cuff pressure for an endotracheal tube should be maintained at mm Hg and be checked every hours. List three types of negative-pressure ventilators:, and. List four nursing diagnoses for a patient receiving mechanical ventilation:, and. For a patient to be safely weaned from a ventilator, the vital capacity should be mL/kg; the minute ventilation should be L/m; and the tidal volume should be mL/kg. To suction source or air Vent to room air Visceral pleura Parietal pleura Lung From patient 20 cm 250 mm Drainage collection chambers To drainage system 1 2 3 Water seal 2 cm Suction control Water seal Vent Drainage collection chambers Suction source Ventilation source Copyright © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hypoxia: decreased oxygen supply to the tissues:: Hypoxemia:.

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