

Helen W. Boucher, M.D., F.A.C.P.

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine
  • Tufts University School of Medicine
  • Director
  • Fellowship Program
  • Division of Geographic Medicine and
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Tufts Medical Center
  • Boston, Massachusetts

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Tight junction (zonula occludens)-prevents paracellular movement of solutes; composed of claudins and occludins breast cancer awareness quotes cheap fertomid 50mg without prescription. Connexon with central channel Basolateral Integrins-membrane proteins that maintain integrity of basolateral membrane by binding to collagen and laminin in basement membrane menstruation back pain discount fertomid 50 mg mastercard. Cell membrane Basement membrane Hemidesmosome-connects keratin in basal cells to underlying basement membrane menstruation zu lange cheap fertomid 50 mg with mastercard. Often associated with other atopic diseases (asthma menopause the musical songs buy fertomid 50 mg lowest price, allergic rhinitis, food allergies); serum IgE. Usually appears on face in infancy B and then in antecubital fossa C in children and adults. Foreign body inflammatory facial skin disorder characterized by firm, hyperpigmented papules and pustules that are painful and pruritic. Commonly occurs as a result of shaving ("razor bumps"), primarily affects African-American males. Acanthosis with parakeratotic scaling (nuclei still in stratum corneum), Munro microabscesses. Auspitz sign (arrow in I)-pinpoint bleeding spots from exposure of dermal papillae when scales are scraped off. Inflammatory facial skin disorder characterized by erythematous papules and pustules J, but no comedones. May be associated with facial flushing in response to external stimuli (eg, alcohol, heat). Flat, greasy, pigmented squamous epithelial proliferation with keratin-filled cysts (horn cysts) K. Infection involving upper dermis and superficial lymphatics, usually from S pyogenes. Exotoxin destroys keratinocyte attachments in stratum granulosum only (vs toxic epidermal necrolysis, which destroys epidermal-dermal junction). Characterized by fever and generalized erythematous rash with sloughing of the upper layers of the epidermis G that heals completely. Varicella presents with multiple crops of lesions in various stages from vesicles to crusts. Zoster is a reactivation of the virus in dermatomal distribution (unless it is disseminated). Irregular, white, painless plaques on lateral tongue that cannot be scraped off J. Flaccid intraepidermal bullae A caused by acantholysis (separation of keratinocytes, resembling a "row of tombstones"); oral mucosa is also involved. Immunofluorescence reveals antibodies around epidermal cells in a reticular (net-like) pattern B. Involves IgG antibody against hemidesmosomes (epidermal basement membrane; antibodies are "bullow" the epidermis). Presents with multiple types of lesions-macules, papules, vesicles, target lesions (look like targets with multiple rings and dusky center showing epithelial disruption) F. Characterized by fever, bullae formation and necrosis, sloughing of skin at dermal-epidermal junction, high mortality rate. Typically 2 mucous membranes are involved G H, and targetoid skin lesions may appear, as seen in erythema multiforme. Associated with insulin resistance (eg, diabetes, obesity, Cushing syndrome), visceral malignancy (eg, gastric adenocarcinoma). Risk of squamous cell carcinoma is proportional to degree of epithelial dysplasia. Painful, raised inflammatory lesions of subcutaneous fat (panniculitis), usually on anterior shins. Mucosal involvement manifests as Wickham striae (reticular white lines) and hypergranulosis. Waxy, pink, pearly nodules, commonly with telangiectasias, rolled borders, central crusting or ulceration A. Associated with excessive exposure to sunlight, immunosuppression, chronically draining sinuses, and occasionally arsenic exposure.

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Other features include dark-coloured urine due to bilirubinuria women's health center foothills calgary discount 50 mg fertomid free shipping, clay-coloured stools due to cholestasis breast cancer football socks order fertomid 50mg otc, pruritus as a result of elevated serum bile acids menstruation quiz generic 50mg fertomid with amex, loss of weight and abdominal discomfort due to enlarged women's health center jobs buy generic fertomid 50mg on line, tender liver. Posticteric phase the icteric phase lasting for about 1 to 4 weeks is usually followed by clinical and biochemical recovery in 2 to 12 weeks. Up to 1% cases of acute hepatitis may develop severe form of the disease (fulminant hepatitis); and 5-10% of cases progress on to chronic hepatitis. Hepatocellular injury There may be variation in the degree of liver cell injury but it is most marked in zone 3 (centrilobular zone): i) Mildly injured hepatocytes appear swollen with granular cytoplasm which tends to condense around the nucleus (ballooning degeneration). Inflammatoryinfiltrate There is infiltration by mononuclear inflammatory cells, usually in the portal tracts, but may permeate into the lobules. Kupffer cell hyperplasia There is reactive hyperplasia of Kupffer cells many of which contain phagocytosed cellular debris, bile pigment and lipofuscin granules. Cholestasis Biliary stasis is usually not severe in viral hepatitis and may be present as intracytoplasmic bile pigment granules. Majority of cases of chronic hepatitis are the result of infection with hepatotropic viruses- hepatitis B, hepatitis C and combined hepatitis B and hepatitis D infection. The last named gives rise to autoimmune or lupoid hepatitis which is characterised by positive serum autoantibodies. Currently, chronic hepatitis is classified on the basis of etiology and hepatitis activity score (described below). Piecemeal necrosis Piecemeal necrosis is defined as periportal destruction of hepatocytes at the limiting plate (piecemeal = piece by piece). Its features in chronic hepatitis are as under: i) Necrosed hepatocytes at the limiting plate in periportal zone. Portal tract lesions All forms of chronic hepatitis are characterised by variable degree of changes in the portal tract. Intralobular lesions Generally, the architecture of lobule is retained in mild to moderate chronic hepatitis. Bridging fibrosis the onset of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis from the area of interface hepatitis and bridging necrosis is a feature of irreversible damage. As prognostic indicator of chronic hepatitis, a histologic grading of chronic hepatitis (ranging from none to minimal/mild to moderate and severe) was originally described by Knodell and Ishak. Two patterns are recognised- submassive necrosis having a less rapid course extending up to 3 months; and massive necrosis in which the liver failure is rapid and fulminant occurring in 2-3 weeks. M/E Two forms of fulminant necrosis are distinguished: i) In submassive necrosis, large groups of hepatocytes in zone 3 (centrilobular area) and zone 2 (mid zone) are wiped out leading to a collapsed reticulin framework. Regeneration in submassive necrosis is more orderly and may result in restoration of normal architecture. As a result of loss of hepatic parenchyma, all that is left is the collapsed and condensed reticulin framework and portal tracts with proliferated bile ductules plugged with bile. Regeneration, if it takes place, is disorderly forming irregular masses of hepatocytes. Of late, however, immunoprophylaxis and a few hepatitis vaccines have been developed and some more are under development. Hepatitis A Passive immunisation with immune globulin as well as active immunisation with a killed vaccine are available. Hepatitis B Current recommendations include pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine: Pre-exposure prophylaxis is done for individuals at high-risk. Three intramuscular injections of hepatitis vaccine at 0, 1 and 6 months are recommended. There are two main types of cholangitis- pyogenic and primary sclerosing; the latter is discussed on page 403. Most commonly, the obstruction is from impacted gallstone; other causes are carcinoma arising in the extrahepatic ducts, carcinoma head of pancreas, acute pancreatitis and inflammatory strictures in the bile duct. Pyogenic liver abscesses have become uncommon due to improved diagnostic facilities and the early use of antibiotics. Liver abscesses are clinically characterised by pain in the right upper quadrant, fever, tender hepatomegaly and sometimes jaundice.

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A abdomen: gastr, ventr abdominal wall: ileu, lapar ability: dyn, may, pot2 abnormal: caco-, dysabout: periabove: ana-, superaccompany: comit accomplish: form2, petr2 account: log accustom: sol1, sues achieve: hent, par4 acid: ox acorn: gland acquire: ctet across: dia-, per, transact: act action: -osis addition: adadorn: cosm adult: pub advantage: prov advise: mun1, suas afar: teleafflict: trib2 afraid: tim after: hyster2, meta, postagain: ana-, palin-, reagainst: ana-, anti-, cata-, contr-, obage: ev age (old): see old age agitate: act, horm, rit, turb ahead: prim, prot air: aer, atmo, foll, phys, pneu aircraft: aeri alarmed: trepid all: omni, pan, sol5, tot allot: trib1 allow: lic almond: amyg almost: pen1 alone: erem, mono, priv, sol3 alongside: paraalternated: metaalum: alum always: semper amazed: stup amber: electr among: epi-, interamount: arithm, num1, pleth ancient: arch, paleo, prim, prot anew: anaanger: fur, ir angle: ang1, cant, gon2 animal: anim, faun, zo ankle: tal anoint: aloep announce: intim, nunci another: all ant: formic, myrmec anterior: epianther: andr anus: cul, proct anxious: trepid apart: dis-, seape: pithec apex: acro, apic appear: ori, par2 appearance: fac2, form1, prosop, schem, spec appetite: orex, pet apple: carp2, fruc, pom appraise: est1 arch: arc1 arctic: arct ardor: ard, zeal arise: ori, par2 arm (upper): brachi armpit: al1, axi arms (weapons): arm, hopl around: ambi-, amph-, circ-, periarrange: cosm, nom1, ord, ser1, tang, tir2 arrangement: tact2 arrow: flech, sagitt ashes: ciner ashamed of (to be): elench, pud ask: pet, quer, rog asp: asp assault: horm assembly: agor, greg assert: phan assess: arbit, cens, jud assist: adjut asunder: dich at: adattach: aps, fix, tach2 attack: fest1, horm, hort2, pet attack (verbally): polem attempt: con2 attendant: minist augur: omen available: prest2 avoid: fug, vit3 away: ab-, apocata-, de-, dis-, ex-, seawe (to feel): ver1 awn: ather awry: liqu2, lox, plag axis: pol1, rachi axle: axi B babble: lal back (noun): dors, noto, rachi, spin, terg2 back: ana-, palin-, re1, retroback (of the head): ini backbone: rachi, spin backward: ana-, cata-, retrobacterium: cocc bad: caco-, dys-, mal-, misbag: asc2, burs, cyst, mars, sac bait: bet, lur balance: balan, liber2 bald: glab ball: glob, plot, spher balsam: balm band: cinct, copu, dein, desm, fasc, lig, sphing, string bar: bar2 bargain: stip3 bark of a tree: phell A Thesaurus of English Word Roots 975 barren: jej barrier: cumb base: alk, bas, rad2 base (adj. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, The, William Morris, Editor. American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots (revised and edited by Calvert Watson). Ivanov, "The Early History of Indo-European Languages," Scientific American, March 1990. Random House Dictionary of the English Language, The, College Edition, Laurence Urdang, Editor-inChief. Shevoroshkin, Vitaly, "The Mother Tongue: How Linguists Have Constructed the Ancestor of All Living Languages," the Sciences, May/June 1990. Prior to joining the military at the outbreak of the Korean Conflict, he studied at Troy State University, Troy, Alabama, majoring in English and music. He has taught in the public school system of Fairfax County, Virginia, in the fields of music and English. He has also taught literature and writing for Northern Virginia Community College. In addition, he taught technical writing at Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland. A retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant, he was a writer and editor with the Air Force Intelligence Service. After retiring from the military, he taught technical and business writing at University of Maryland University College for fifteen years. He has also taught military writing at National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington, D. He was a 2005 finalist in the annual awards program of the Association of Educational Publishers as the author of Discover It! The Ultimate Vocabulary Builder, has been adopted by the Idaho State Department of Education. He is also the author of A Thesaurus of Medical Word Roots, published in 2013 by Scarecrow Press. Whilst the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, neither the author nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. In particular (but without limiting the generality of the preceding disclaimer) every effort has been made to check drug dosages; however it is still possible that errors have been missed. I also wish to express my gratitude to Professors Raymond Faber, Michael R Trimble and Elden Tunks, whose kind words made this second edition possible. It is divided into three parts: Part 1 describes the diagnostic assessment of patients and details the interview, mental status examination, neurologic examination and ancillary investigations; Part 2 provides a thorough description of the various signs, symptoms and syndromes that are seen in neuropsychiatric practice; and Part 3 presents virtually all of the specific disorders seen in neuropsychiatric practice, in each instance detailing clinical features, course, etiology, differential diagnosis, and treatment. The literature devoted to neuropsychiatric disorders is vast, encompassing, as it does, much of both neurology and psychiatry, and I have attempted to cull from this tremendous reservoir those references that are of most use to the clinician. Although the preponderance of references are from the recent past, classic authors are not neglected and readers will find references to the works of such physicians as Alzheimer, Binswanger, Bleuler, Hughlings Jackson, Kraepelin, and Kinnier Wilson. In all, over 5000 references are included, thus providing readers not only with ready access to further detail on any particular subject, but also with a window on the literature as a whole. I am deeply indebted to the reviewers of the first edition, and to many other readers who have offered comments, critiques, and suggestions: they have enabled me to write a second edition, which, I believe, is far stronger than the first. Neuropsychiatry is a rapidly growing specialty, and it is my hope that this text will not only help solidify the field but also enable the reader to practice it successfully.


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