

Gerald Bloomfield, MD

  • Associate Professor of Medicine
  • Assistant Research Professor of Global Health
  • Member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute


Other studies have shown that patients receiving steroids prior to undergoing surgery did not require additional glucocorticoids during the perioperative period spasm order 50 mg pletal amex. After recovery from acute illness muscle relaxant drugs over the counter order 50mg pletal amex, patients with adrenal insufficiency should be placed on chronic replacement therapy with hydrocortisone spasms feel like baby kicking order 50 mg pletal visa. Traditionally spasms left upper abdomen buy pletal 50 mg with amex, a dose of 30 mg hydrocortisone administered in two divided doses-20 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening-has been used widely. Therefore, the traditional regimen of 30 mg hydrocortisone daily possibly represents excessive glucocorticoid replacement and may increase the risk of osteoporosis. A more appropriate regimen may be 15 mg hydrocortisone administered in two divided doses: 10 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the afternoon. Although hydrocortisone traditionally has been administered in a twice-daily regimen, some authors have suggested that a thrice-daily regimen (10, 5, and 5 mg) might provide more physiologic cortisol levels. Mineralocorticoid Replacement-Most patients with primary adrenal insufficiency require mineralocorticoid replacement. In chronic adrenal insufficiency, this can be administered as fludrocortisone acetate. However, if dexamethasone, which has little or no mineralocorticoid activity, is used instead of hydrocortisone, a mineralocorticoid should be added. Fluid and Electrolytes-Patients with adrenal insufficiency often have an enormous salt and water deficit. However, patients with adrenal insufficiency may continue to be hypotensive even after adequate fluid and electrolyte replacement. It is often not recognized that corticosteroids have an inotropic effect on the myocardium. Patients with adrenal insufficiency may present with hyperkalemia; therefore, routine potassium replacement should be postponed until serum potassium measurements are obtained. Although in adults, unlike children, hypoglycemia is not a common manifestation of adrenal insufficiency, patients who have been vomiting for a few days may present with hypoglycemia or develop hypoglycemia during the course of evaluation or treatment. Therefore, plasma glucose levels should be monitored and glucose given intravenously to correct or prevent hypoglycemia. Other Treatment-It is crucial to identify and treat the antecedent illness precipitating acute adrenal insufficiency. Current Controversies and Unresolved Issues Serum cortisol is measured as the total rather than free cortisol, and more than 90% of cortisol is protein-bound. In critically ill patients, low serum albumin and serum proteins may cause lower serum total cortisol but normal free cortisol. Therefore, some patients might be labeled incorrectly as having cortisol deficiency. In a recently published study, baseline and postcosyntropin total cortisol were lower in patients with serum albumin levels of less than 2. Despite this finding, baseline and postcosyntropin free cortisol measurements were often not different. Thus, in this study, almost 40% of patients with low serum albumin levels had low total cortisol levels, but all had normal adrenal function. Because free cortisol measurements are not widely available, it is not clear how to interpret low serum total cortisol in the face of hypoproteinemia. The safest course would be to continue to give these patients glucocorticoid replacement but recognize that some of the patients may be treated unnecessarily. Another controversial issue has been the use of corticosteroids in patients with septic shock. Some studies suggest that hydrocortisone at dosages similar to replacement for adrenal insufficiency improves outcome in septic shock.


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Newer agents-Newer agents such as the atypical antipsychotics (including risperidone spasms hamstring pletal 50mg visa, quetiapine muscle relaxant that starts with a t 50mg pletal visa, and olanzapine) are receiving increased attention in the treatment of delirium muscle relaxant elemis muscle soak order pletal 100mg. They have fewer neurologic side effects (eg muscle relaxant on cns buy pletal 100mg low cost, extrapyramidal symptoms) than the typical antipsychotics (eg, haloperidol), particularly in elderly and seriously medically ill individuals who are most at risk for delirium. In one prospective, double-blind trial, haloperidol and risperidone were equally efficacious in the treatment of delirious patients. In a small open-label trial, low doses of risperidone (average maintenance dose of 0. While both groups demonstrated similar clinical improvement and a lessened need for benzodiazepine sedation, 6 of 45 patients treated with haloperidol were found to have extrapyramidal symptoms, whereas no patients treated with olanzapine developed extrapyramidal or other side effects. Quetiapine has been found, in small studies, to be effective for the treatment of delirium and well tolerated when used at low doses. One drawback to atypical neuroleptic use is that only olanzapine and ziprasidone are currently available in immediate-release parenteral formulations. Other pharmacologic interventions-When the combination of haloperidol (or another antipsychotic) and lorazepam fails to achieve control, additional interventions may be necessary, including sedation (with opioids, propofol, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines), pharmacologic paralysis, and mechanical ventilation. A newer agent for sedation and analgesia in the critical care patient is dexmedetomidine, an 2-agonist. An individual undergoing major surgery must deal with the loss of bodily integrity and the threat of death. These actual and potential losses may produce a sense of helplessness in many patients. Patients are usually placed in unfamiliar surroundings with little sense of autonomy. Cognitive distortions can develop so that the individual begins to make mistakes in judgment such as forecasting catastrophe or interpreting innocuous events negatively. Patients may begin to think of themselves as worthless and feel they are a burden to family and friends. The subjects also were found to engage in introspection and to have a negative view of the hospital environment. Endocrine dysfunction in both the pituitary-adrenal and thyroid axes may become disturbed. Social and Psychologic Management-A key consideration in managing delirium involves the psychological aspects. The physician should reassure both the family and the patient that the condition is usually reversible and that return to baseline mental functioning can be expected. Empathically telling the patient that the physician understands the confusion the patient feels may convey a real sense of hope. Encouraging the patient to report any strange phenomena such as hallucinations may make the patient feel more at ease. Similarly, informing the family that accusations and delusional ideas brought forth during an episode of delirium have no real meaning is obviously useful. Current Controversies and Unresolved Issues Delirium is such a heterogeneous entity that many issues remain to be delineated by prospective studies. Molecular mechanisms for delirium and the role of neurotransmitters need to be established. We still do not know what the optimal medications are for controlling delirium, the maximum daily dosage of haloperidol and other agents, and whether patients really benefit from large doses of medications or if the practice helps the staff more than the patient. The use of atypical antipsychotic medications in the elderly also requires further study because the available information suggests that use of at least some of these agents in elderly patients with dementia may be associated with an increased risk of cerebrovascular adverse events. Other questions relate to possible preventive measures, whether psychological factors alone can cause delirium in the absence of organic factors, and a possible final common pathway for all cases of delirium. Irritability, particularly when out of character for an individual, is another marker of depression. Diminished interest in activities such as interacting with family or viewing television often indicates depression. Pronounced thoughts about death or wishes for it in the form of suicidal ideation also indicate depression. One group of factors involves the depressive view of the world a depressed patient develops. For example, the patient with myocardial infarction must deal with the threat to life as well as the potential loss of future health and normal function.


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  • Zanotti-Cavazzoni S, Hollenberg SM. Cardiac dysfunction in severe sepsis and septic shock. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2009;15:392-397.

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