

Oksana Klimkina, MD

  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • University of Kentucky Medical Center
  • Lexington, Kentucky

Most cultivated cowpeas and the subspecies alba cholesterol ranges healthy safe zetia 10mg, dekindtiana cholesterol test interpretation zetia 10mg amex, pubescens cholesterol cell definition zetia 10 mg low price, stenophylla and tenuis (and var cholesterol test kit boots proven 10 mg zetia. Previously, these subspecies were pooled into the subspecies dekindtiana and it is convenient here to call these wild cowpea subspecies the "dekindtiana group". The subspecies aduensis, baoulensis, burundiensis, letouzeyi and pawekiae are all out-crossing. Previously, these subspecies were pooled into the subspecies mensensis and they are described here as the "mensensis group". Cultivated cowpeas are herbaceous annuals that are either erect, prostrate or climbing annuals with a tap root and virtually all are glabrous. They are mostly grown for grain but a small proportion (about 10%) are grown as green leafy vegetables and fodder in Africa or as fresh pods in eastern Asia (Boukar et al. Germination is epigeal with the first pair of true leaves being simple and opposite and subsequent leaves being trifoliate with oval leaflets (6-15 cm long and 4-11 cm broad) and alternate. The papillonaceous flowers are born on racemose inflorescences at the ends of peduncles that arise from leaf axils and can be white, yellowish, pale blue or violet. Peduncles are stout and grooved and usually much longer than the leaves (2-20 cm long). For each inflorescence, flowers are sequentially produced in alternating pairs on thickened nodes at the tip with cushion-like extra-floral nectaries between each pair of flowers. The flower is large (standard is 2-3 cm in diameter), with a straight keel, diadelphous stamens (one free and nine fused), a sessile ovary with many ovules, and a style that is bearded along the inside and ends in an oblique stigma. Pods occur in pairs forming a V, mostly pending and vertical, but they can be erect. The corolla is yellowish-white to violetish-white with violet wings and mature seed colours vary from white through brown to black (Figure 5. Cultivated cowpea flower, pods and seeds Note: Picture of cowpea flower (top left), immature green pod (top right), maturing pods with an illustration of the great variety of seed colours (bottom). Cultivated cowpeas are mostly indeterminate and some have the potential to produce multiple flushes of flowers (Gwathmey, Hall and Madore, 1992) that live for less than one year. Geographic distribution, habitats, crop production, centres of origin and diversity Geographic distribution Cultivated cowpeas are grown as warm-season-adapted annuals in tropical and subtropical zones (as defined by Hall [2001]) in all countries in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, the United States and around the Mediterranean Sea. In subtropical zones temperatures are only suitable for cowpea in the summer, whereas temperatures are suitable year-round in tropical zones. Asia is the second largest producing region, representing less than 3% of the global production in average over the 1993-2014 period (Figure 5. In Africa, cowpea can be cultivated up to 1 800 m altitude but is mainly grown in the lowlands. Substantial cowpea cultivation also occurs in the semi-arid Sahelian zone, which is a transition zone between the Sahara desert in the north and the Sudan savannah zone in the south. The Sahel encompasses northern and central Senegal and southern Mauritania in the west to central Sudan in the east, passing through central Mali, northern Burkina Faso, southern Niger (at 5 million ha, Niger has the largest area of cowpea cultivation) and central Chad. Significant cowpea production also occurs in the northern Guinea savannah zone and the forest and southern Guinea savannah zones of West Africa, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda, and some cowpeas are cultivated in central, southern and north-eastern Africa. Distribution of cultivated and wild cowpeas in Africa Note: Areas with cultivated cowpea are shown in grey, while the black dots indicate the locations where wild cowpea V. The wild relatives of cowpea are widely distributed across sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 5. Vigna monantha has been found in Somalia in the coastal plain from Hobyo to Bender Bayla. Distribution of the wild relatives of cowpea in Africa Source: Adapted from Pasquet (1996). It is cultivated across a broad geographic range, except for some permanently cold regions. China, India, Japan, Korea and Thailand are among the major asparagus bean-producing countries. Compared with the African cowpea, "asparagus bean" is more adapted to cool climates and is less tolerant to very high temperatures. Ecosystems and habitats of native and naturalised cowpea Cowpeas and their wild relatives have persisted for thousands of years in sub-Saharan Africa with many occurring in West Africa and southern Africa. While some wild relatives are persistent from year to year due to their fleshy roots and ability to resprout after a dry or cool season, most wild relatives persist through the production of hard seed that can remain viable for several years in the soil.

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Source: http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=96174

The patient was treated with N-acetylcysteine and Denamarin cholesterol jimmy moore purchase 10mg zetia amex, plus Norm-R fluids at Ѕ maintenance dose cholesterol foods avoid purchase zetia 10mg with mastercard. The puppy exhibited signs of hepatic encephalopathy and was euthanized due to poor prognosis cholesterol/hdl ratio goal buy zetia 10 mg amex. Gross Pathology: There was generalized mild icterus of subcutis and mucous membranes ratio cholesterol total sur hdl purchase 10 mg zetia with amex. There was extensive coagulative necrosis of hepatocytes adjacent to all central veins and extending to the midzonal regions. Necrotic hepatocytes were rounded up and contained hypereosinophilic, fragmented cytoplasm. Scattered cells lacked nuclei, while others contained pyknotic to karyorrhectic nuclei. Sinusoids adjacent to central veins were filled with red blood cells (congestion). Kidney: Widely scattered tubules within the cortex and medulla contained dark orange-brown globules (presumptive hemoglobin). There were similar pigment globules within the cytoplasm of widely scattered epithelial cells lining these tubules. Proximal convoluted tubular epithelium had scattered degenerate cells with hypereosinophilic cytoplasm and pyknotic nuclei. The urinary spaces of several glomeruli were moderately dilated and filled with weakly eosinophilic protein fluid residue. Within the stomach (not shown) were numerous lymphocytic nodules in the lamina propria, associated with large, silver positive, spiral bacteria (presumptive Helicobacter sp. The toxic dose of acetaminophen in dogs ranges from 200-600mg/kg6; this 4kg puppy ingested up to 4grams in 8 Midol tablets. By contrast, cats are much more susceptible to toxicity and toxicosis has been seen with doses as low as 10mg/kg. Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol) is a widely used over-the-counter analgesic and antipyretic drug considered very safe in humans at therapeutic doses and having fewer gastrointestinal side effects than aspirin or ibuprofen. Poisoning in dogs and cats is usually associated with administration by well-intentioned by uninformed owners, or by accidental ingestion as in this case. Toxicity occurs when metabolism into toxic metabolites overwhelms conjugation systems. As such the centrilobular hepatocytes (zone 3), with high concentrations of mixed function oxidases, are most susceptible to toxicity from compounds that are metabolized to toxic intermediates requiring conjugation. At non-toxic doses, acetaminophen is metabolized by direct conjugation to glutathione and the non-toxic conjugates are excreted in urine and bile. Depletion of glutathione also leads to increased reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. This compound, and S-adenosylmethionine (an intermediary in production of cell membranes and glutathione), have been used effectively in dogs and cats with acetaminophen toxicity. Cats are more susceptible to acetaminophen toxicity than dogs because of much lower levels of glucuronyltransferase. Histologic lesions of hemoglobinuric nephrosis in this case, although mild, support the likelihood that this puppy ingested high enough doses of acetaminophen to produce metahemoglobinemia. The other toxic principle in Midol tablets is caffeine, a methylxanthine in the same class of compounds with theobromine and theophylline. Caffeine is also metabolized by the liver; hepatic damage from acetaminophen could have compromised caffeine metabolism and enhanced its toxicity in this case. Kidney, proximal tubules: Degeneration and necrosis, multifocal, mild, with hemoglobin casts. Conference Comment: Heinz bodies, which are foci of denatured globin apparent as a membranous inclusion in the erythrocyte, are expected to be present in a peripheral blood smear in this case due to the oxidative damage to erythrocytes from acetaminophen toxicity, and are an indicator of intravascular hemolysis. Heinz body formation results from oxidative damage that causes disulfide links between glutathione and globin chains, resulting in aggregation and precipitation of globin in the cell. Luna hemoglobin stain can be used to confirm the hemoglobin casts within the renal tubules. At the time of presentation, there had been a recent onset of polyuria and increased urgency to urinate.

Additionally cholesterol levels uk normal range generic zetia 10mg fast delivery, exposure groups did not show significant difference with control group in both fish total lengths and wet weights cholesterol levels pregnancy cheap 10 mg zetia mastercard. Applications are numerous and silicones are found in industrial cholesterol medication pulled cheap zetia 10 mg with amex, pharmaceutical cholesterol screening ratio order zetia 10mg on line, medical device and personal care products. Revisiting the concept of biodegradability and degradability in such a complex family is challenging. Physico-chemical properties, in part driven by the polymerisation level, play a crucial role as they influence the physical state: solid, liquid, volatile, gel. Functionalisation of alkyl dimethicone compounds is also a key parameter for both entry in the environment and degradability. Silicones in cosmetics should be considered separately because of particular conditions of use of these products and the fact that they are found in waste water which is treated in consequences. Abiotic processes can be important steps in the degradation of man-made chemicals in the environment (clay acts as a catalyser of degradation of silicones); usually only primary degradation occurs but the products formed may be biodegraded further by microorganisms. A low level of polymerisation leads to easily hydrolysed silicones by enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions of the grafted carbon chain. Consequently (bio)degradability should be approached on a case-by-case basis and the approach should consider parameters which are specific to silicones. Their physical and chemical properties favor their bioaccumulation and provide high resistance to environmental degradation. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) was used to evaluate the toxicity of these environmental contaminants on its embryonic and larval stages. Fluoxetine is a pharmaceutical pollutant of emerging concern as it is detected in trace amounts in myriad water sources. Several studies have demonstrated that environmentally relevant concentrations of fluoxetine impact behavior, reproduction, and survival of aquatic species. Fluoxetine has been shown to impact the stress axis in small aquatic animals and plants at concentrations similar to those found in the environment. It is well known that developmental and early life stress from environmental contaminants profoundly affect physiological regulation throughout life. Previously, we investigated phenotypic anchors associated with modulation of the stress axis by fluoxetine in an avian model of developmental toxicity. We found that fluoxetine induced molecular changes in the stress-axis of newly-hatched chickens exposed in ovo. These data led us to hypothesize that developmental changes induced by fluoxetine exposure will persist and lead to detectable effects in two-week old chickens. Hatchlings were monitored for growth throughout the study and tissues were collected and weighed after necropsy. Body and organ weights, and general growth, as measured by increases in body weight and crownrump length, did not differ among groups. However, all treated groups exhibited at least 5% higher embryonic mortality than vehicle controls. Together, our findings indicate that developmental exposure to fluoxetine can affect survival and induce molecular changes relevant to the stress axis, but does not impact less-sensitive endpoints, such as growth. Because developmental impacts to the stress axis are often not apparent until a secondary insult, our additional work investigated how individuals responded to an acute stressor and immune challenge. Further analyses will determine relationships imperative to the stress axis, including glucocorticoid receptor concentrations, corticosterone level and other immune function parameters, that could help explain pollutant-induced mortality. Mining has been a dominant industry in rural Appalachia for more than 150 years, but the impact of mining on aquatic animal health is not well understood. This is an important issue because Appalachia is home to an enormous diversity of organisms, including a huge array of amphibians that live in streams that receive mining effluent from operating and abandoned mines. We examined the effects of reconstituted mining effluent on the development of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. Tadpoles were then assigned to either sulfate or chloride-based reconstituted mining effluent diluted to six different conductivities (100 µS/cm - 2,400 µS/cm). After 7 or 14 days of treatment, tadpoles were euthanized and fixed in paraformaldehyde. We imaged the heads and bodies of tadpoles for morphometric analysis before dissecting out brains and immunostaining them for phospho-histone3, which labels dividing progenitor cells in the brain. We found that sulfate-based reconstituted mining effluent significantly lowered progenitor cell division at 1200 µS/cm at Day 7 and at 600 µS/cm at Day 14 relative to control. Chloride-based reconstituted mining effluent was less impactful, with no significant differences observed at Day 7 and significantly lowered progenitor cell division at 2400 µS/cm at Day 14.


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The normal respiratory lobule is composed of three to five terminal bronchioles and their acini cholesterol vitamins buy zetia 10 mg with amex, which in turn are composed of a respiratory bronchiole lowering your cholesterol foods effective 10mg zetia, alveolar ducts cholesterol levels variability generic 10 mg zetia with visa, alveolar sacs cholesterol medication bruising zetia 10mg line, and alveoli. Emphysema may affect the proximal acinus (centrilobular emphysema), the distal acinus (paraseptal emphysema), or the entire acinus (panlobular emphysema). It is postulated that emphysema results from an imbalance between elastase, which is produced by neutrophils and macrophages and destroys the walls of airways, and antielastase, which inactivates elastase. There is a well-established association between panacinar emphysema and a hereditary deficiency of 1 antitrypsin, an enzyme that functions as an antielastase. Cigarette smoking, which is associated with the production of centrilobular emphysema, increases elastase activity and decreases 1 antitrypsin activity. Abnormal cilia inhibit the normal functioning of the respiratory epithelium, which is to clear microorganisms and foreign particles within the respiratory mucus. Males with this condition tend to be sterile because of the ineffective motility of the tails of the sperm. In contrast, patients with asthma develop episodic wheezing due to bronchial smooth-muscle hyperplasia and excess production of mucus. Extrinsic (allergic) asthma may be related to IgE (type I) immune reactions; intrinsic (nonallergic) asthma may be triggered by infections or drugs. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a productive cough that is present for at least 3 months in at least two consecutive years. There is hyperplasia of mucous glands with hypersecretion, due in large part to tobacco smoke. Emphysema is abnormal dilation of the alveoli due to destruction of the alveolar walls. Steatosis refers to the accumulation of triglyceride within the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. Bacterial infections generally result in a polymorphonuclear (neutrophil) response. Bacterial infection of the lung (pneumonia) results in consolidation of the lung, which may be patchy or diffuse. Patchy consolidation of the lung is seen in bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia), while diffuse involvement of an entire lobe is seen in lobar pneumonia. Histologically, bronchopneumonia is characterized by multiple, suppurative neutrophil-rich exudates that fill the bronchi and bronchioles and spill over into the adjacent alveolar spaces. In contrast, lobar pneumonia is characterized by four distinct stages: congestion, red hepatization, gray hepatization, and resolution. Possible causes of a lung abscess include aerobic and anaerobic streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and many gram-negative organisms. Aspiration more often gives a 282 Pathology right-sided single abscess, as the airways on the right side are more vertical. The abscess cavity is filled with necrotic suppurative debris unless it communicates with an air passage. Clinically an individual with a lung abscess will have a prominent cough producing copious amounts of foul-smelling, purulent sputum. Complications of a lung abscess include pleural involvement (empyema) and bacteremia, which could result in brain abscesses or meningitis. This type of pneumonia is called primary atypical pneumonia because it is atypical when compared to the "typical" bacterial pneumonia, such as produced by S. These bacterial pneumonias are characterized by acute inflammation (neutrophils) within the alveoli. In contrast, acute interstitial pneumonia is characterized by lymphocytes and plasma cells within the interstitium, that is, the alveolar septal walls. Viral cytopathic effects, such as inclusion bodies or multinucleated giant cells, may be seen histologically with certain viral infections. Since most adult red cells have I antigens, blood from a patient with mycoplasma pneumonia will hemagglutinate when cooled.

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  • Zheng T, Zhu Z, Wang Z, et al. Inducible targeting of IL-13 to the adult lung causes matrix metalloproteinase- and cathepsin-dependent emphysema. J Clin Invest 2000;106:1081-93.

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