

Joris C. Verster, PhD

  • Faculty of Science, Section Psychopharmacology,
  • Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

A vicariance-based mechanism to explain distributional patterns utilizes cladistic analyses to test distributions against phylogenetic hypotheses man health supplement buy fincar 5mg amex. Dispersal theory rests on two basic assumptions: taxonomic groups have a center of origin prostate japanese translation generic 5mg fincar otc, and each group disperses from its center of origin across barriers; the resulting communities or biota derive from one to several centers and dispersal events prostate inflammation symptoms discount 5 mg fincar otc. Vicariance theory rests on the assumptions that taxonomic groups or biotas are geographically static prostate cancer treatment drugs discount fincar 5mg on-line, and that geological events produce barriers and the biota diverges subsequent to isolation. Both theoretical approaches require knowledge of phylogenetic relationships to discern the ancient dispersal routes or the areas occupied by ancient biota. Because allopatric speciation appears to be the dominant mode of speciation and the fragmentation of a biota is more likely than a biota dispersing as a single unit, vicariance interpretations are generally preferred over dispersal explanations. By time 2, continents have separated, creating the first vicariant event, and additional speciation has occurred on the continent on the right. On the left, no dispersal has taken place, and additional speciation events have occurred on continents 1, 3, and 4. On the right, speciation has also occurred on continents 1, 3, and 4, but one of the species on continent 3 has dispersed to continent 2 where, over time, that species has differentiated. Thus the species on continent 2 has one of the species from continent 3 as its closest relative (sister taxon). Cladograms at the top show phylogenetic relationships between the species under each scenario. Numbers across the top refer to present distribution of species on the four continents. By comparing a dated phylogeny with independently derived dates of vicariant events (in this case, continental splitting), it is possible to falsify a vicariance hypothesis. The phylogeny on the left supports a vicariance hypothesis, and the one on the right falsifies it for the species on continent 2, leaving dispersal as the only viable hypothesis for the origin of that species on continent 2. Although our example uses continents, other barriers (mountains, rivers, ecological transitions) can result in vicariance. Nevertheless, many sources of vicariance exist at the continental and regional level, including large rivers, mountain ranges, and even ecological gradients. Molecular phylogenies in which divergences can be dated provide a powerful tool for determining whether vicariance or dispersal events caused present-day distributions of amphibians and reptiles, and some of the results that have been obtained are surprising. Combined with a knowledge of the history of the location of landmasses, dated phylogenies (timetrees) present the opportunity to falsify vicariance hypotheses, and when vicariant hypotheses are falsified, alternative explanations such as transoceanic dispersal must be considered. In some instances, the results of careful biogeographic hypotheses challenge what we thought we knew about distributional histories. The geologic history of most areas and their herpetofaunas are so complex that a single theory is often inadequate to explain current patterns of distribution. The herpetofauna of the Seychelles contains several levels of endemicity that strongly indicate multiple origins and suggest that components arrived at different times (Table 13. These groups have only distant (and somewhat uncertain) affinities with African taxa. Both are confined to the high granitic islands of the Seychelles that have been emergent since the Mesozoic. Sooglossids are sister to the recently described frog family Nasikabatrachidae from the Western Ghats of India (see below). Caecilians of the Western Ghats and the Seychelles are sister taxa, consistent with evidence that the granitic islands are fragments of the Indian tectonic plate that broke free from the current African plate and moved northward to collide with the Asian plate. Because amphibians are noted for their inability to cross huge expanses of salt water, these amphibians and perhaps the gecko Ailuronyx are derived from ancestors living on the original African­Indian plate. The rhacophorid frog Tachycnemis and some reptiles also appear to be derived from an early Seychellan herpetofauna, but likely from taxa that arrived via island hopping across narrow water gaps. The Seychelles chameleon, Calumma tigris, was believed to be closely related to other African Calumma and a relatively recent migrant. However, a multi-locus phylogenetic analysis comparing this species with African ones shows that it is sister to an entire South African clade of chameleons and should be placed in its own genus, Archaius. This lizard appears to have dispersed from Africa to the Seychelles in the Eocene­Oligocene by transoceanic dispersal on paleocurrents.


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In the dry form androgen hormone target organ best 5 mg fincar, clumps of extracellular material prostate cancer joint pain discount 5mg fincar with mastercard, called drusen prostate cancer zero buy generic fincar 5 mg on line, are deposited beneath the retinal pigment epithelium prostate 600 plus generic 5 mg fincar with mastercard. Bleeding from these neovascular vessels can cause sudden, central visual loss in the elderly, although usually blurring of vision is more gradual. Tumors Tumors of the optic nerve or chiasm are comparatively rare, but often escape detection because they produce insidious visual loss and few physical findings, except for optic disc pallor. This pt has neovascular vessels proliferating from the optic disc, requiring urgent pan retinal laser photocoagulation. Hearing loss can result from disorders of the auricle, external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear, or central auditory pathways. Ask about tinnitus, vertigo, imbalance, aural fullness, otorrhea, headache, and facial or other cranial nerve symptoms. Prior head trauma, exposure to ototoxins, occupational or recreational noise exposure, or family history of hearing impairment also important. The Weber and Rinne tests differentiate conductive from sensorineural hearing losses. Rinne test: the tines of a vibrating tuning fork (512 Hz) are held near the opening of the external auditory canal, and then the stem is placed on the mastoid process. Normally, and with sensorineural hearing loss, air conduction is louder than bone conduction; however, with conductive hearing loss, bone conduction is louder. Weber test: the stem of a vibrating tuning fork is placed on the forehead in the midline. Tympanometry measures impedance of middle ear to sound; useful in diagnosis of middle-ear effusions. While small perforations often heal spontaneously, larger defects usually require surgical tympanoplasty (>90% effective). Sensorineural Hearing Loss Damage to hair cells of the organ of Corti may be caused by intense noise, viral infections, ototoxic drugs. Genetic predisposition alone or in concert with environmental influences may also be responsible. It is caused by an increase in endolymphatic fluid pressure due to endolymphatic sac dysfunction. Therapy directed toward control of vertigo; a low-salt diet (2g/d), diuretics, a short course of glucocorticoids, and intratympanic gentamicin may be useful. For unresponsive cases, endolymphatic sac decompression, labyrinthectomy, and vestibular nerve section abolish rotatory vertigo. Tinnitus Defined as the perception of a sound when there is no sound in the environment. It may have a buzzing, roaring, or ringing quality and may be pulsatile (synchronous with the heartbeat). Tinnitus is often associated with either a conductive or sensorineural hearing loss and may be the first symptom of a serious condition such as a vestibular schwannoma. Hearing aids are also helpful in tinnitus suppression, as are tinnitus maskers, devices that present a sound to the affected ear that is more pleasant to listen to than the tinnitus. Speech comprehension is aided by lip-reading; the face of the speaker should be well illuminated and easily seen. Adjunctive measures include intranasal administration of glucocorticoids, sinus irrigation, and surgical evaluation. The infection may closely resemble auricular cellulitis, although the lobule is less often involved in perichondritis. Treatment includes cleansing of the canal to remove debris and use of topical antibiotics. Treatment consists of identifying and eliminating the offending process; successful resolution is frequently difficult. Aggressive glycemic control in diabetic pts helps with treatment and prevention of recurrence.

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Post-stroke anxiety without depression does not influence functional or cognitive recovery but is associated with worse social functioning and quality of life mens health warrior workout purchase fincar 5mg visa. Post-stroke anxiety disorders are often associated with depression prostate cancer 2015 news purchase fincar 5mg without prescription, previous psychiatric disorders and alcohol abuse prostate cancer wristbands order 5 mg fincar with mastercard. Anxiety disorders Post-stroke anxiety disorders have received comparatively less attention than post-stroke depression prostate cancer vitamin d 5mg fincar free shipping. Anxiety in acute stroke can also be secondary to substance use or withdrawal (alcohol, benzodiazepines and illicit drugs). Post-traumatic stress disorder is estimated to affect 10% to 31% [44] of stroke survivors and is associated with depression and anxiety. Post-traumatic stress disorder after stroke is more common in women, in patients with low educational level, and in those with premorbid neuroticism or with a negative affect or appraisal of the stroke experience. Post-stroke mania Post-stroke mania is an infrequent complication of stroke (1­2%) [45]. It is a prominent and persistent disturbance in mood characterized by elevated, expansive or irritable mood. Clinical features of post-stroke mania also include increased rate or amount of speech, talkativeness, language thought and content disturbance, such as flights of ideas, racing thoughts, grandiose ideation and lack of insight, hyperactivity and social disinhibition and decreased need for sleep. In severe cases distractibility, confusion, delusions and hallucinations may be also present. To distinguish between true post-stroke mania and a reactivation of previous undiagnosed primary mania, it is crucial to obtain a careful history of previous manic or hypomanic episodes or symptoms. However, mania can also be detected in stroke patients without personal or familial predisposing factors, after lesions in both hemispheres and also after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Severe depression has a frequency ranging from 9 to 26%, while in the acute phase depression is present in 16­52% of the patients [46]. A systematic review of 51 studies reported a mean prevalence of 33% (29­36%) [47]. The symptomatology of post-stroke depression is dominated by depressed mood, closely followed by anhedonia. Loss of energy, decreased concentration and psychomotor retardation are also frequent, as well as the somatic symptoms of decreased appetite and insomnia. Concerning the features of stroke which increase the risk of post-stroke depression, all stroke types are similarly prone to depression. The hemispheric side is also not relevant [48], although in some studies the frequency and severity of depression were higher after left-sided lesions, in particular during the first months after stroke. Higher lesion volumes, cerebral atrophy, silent infarcts and white matter lesions are all associated with a higher risk of post-stroke depression. The relationship between depression and disability depends on several factors: the personality of the patients, their subjectivity. Acute depressive symptoms mainly have a biological determinism, while post-stroke depression at 1­2 years has an additional psycho-social determinism. Personality changes Persistent personality disturbances, defined as a change from the previous characteristic personality, are one of the most annoying behavioral disturbances found after stroke. For the caregiver these changes are hard to cope with and they are difficult to control pharmacologically. There are several types of personality changes in stroke patients: aggressive, disinhibited, paranoid, labile and apathetic types. In severe forms, there is lack of feeling, emotion, interest and concern, flat affect, indifference, no initiative or decisions and little spontaneous Post-stroke depression Post-stroke depression is a prominent and persistent mood disturbance characterized by depressed mood or lack of interest or lack of pleasure (anhedonia) in all or almost all activities. Post-stroke depression has two subtypes: with depressive features and similar to a major depressive episode. Figures related to the epidemiological features of post-stroke depression are highly variable, because they depend on the setting of the study, the time since stroke, the case mix and the criteria/method used to diagnose depression. The prevalence of post-stroke 190 Chapter 12: Behavioral neurology of stroke speech or actions. A key feature is the dissociation between impaired self-activation and preserved hetero-activation. Stroke in anatomical locations that interrupt the cingulate-subcortical thalamo-striate loop can produce apathy. These include anterior thalamic, medial thalamic, caudate, inferior capsular genu, bilateral palidal, uni- or bilateral anterior cerebral artery and baso-frontal strokes. In acute stroke, 17­71% of the patients present apathy, which is associated with older age, low educational level, cognitive impairment (mostly executive functions) and denial.

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