

Philip Yen, MD

  • Department of Diagnostic Imaging
  • UC Davis Medical Center
  • Sacramento, California

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Respon ini muncul lebih cepat, lebih kuat dan berlangsung lebih lama daripada respon imun primer. Imunisasi Imunisasi adalah cara untuk membuat ternak kebal terhadap penyakit menular. Kedua macam imunisasi tersebut berbeda dalam beberapa aspek berdasarkan cara memperolehnya, sifat resistensi yang dihasilkan, cepat ­ lambatnya kemunculan antibodi maupun katabolismenya. Klasifikasi tipe imunitas dan cara yang digunakan untuk membuat perlindungan (Tizard, 1988) Imunisasi Pasif Imunisasi pasif adalah suatu usaha untuk mendapatkan kekebalan tubuh ternak dengan cara memindahkan antibodi dari ternak resisten kepada ternak yang. Ternak rentan tidak perlu secara aktif berbuat sesuatu untuk menjadi kebal, di dalam tubuh terna ktidak terjadi reaksi antara antigen dengan antibodi. Resistensi yang dihasilkan hanya bersifat sementara, memberi perlindungan yang cepat namun cepat pula dikatabolisme, sehingga ternak resipien menjadi rentan kembali terhadap infeksi ulang. Pada ayam, imunitas pasif diturunkan dari induk kepada anak ayam melalui kuning telur. Contoh-contoh imunisasi pasif, antara lain adalah (1) antibodi dalam kolustrum yang diberikan oleh induk sapi kepada pedet yang baru lahir. Imunisasi Aktif Imunisasi aktif adalah suatu usaha untuk mendapatkan kekebalan tubuh pada ternak melalui pemberian antigen pada ternak sehingga ternak menanggapinya dengan meningkatkan tanggap kebal protektif berperantaraan sel atau antibodi atau keduaduanya. Pada imunisasi aktif, kekebalan tidak terbentuk secara cepat, namun sekali terbentuk akan bertahan lama dan terbentuk sel ingatan, sehingga memiliki kemampuan perangsangan ulang. Imunitas aktif bisa dirusak oleh sesuatu yang berdampak negatif terhadap sistim kebal humoral maupun seluler yang mengakibatkan hilangnya kemampuan tubuh ternak berespon terhadap antigen. Pengobatan hanya digunakan setelah usaha pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit terlaksana dengan baik. Pertimbangan penting untuk membantu pengobatan ternak secara efektif yang dapat diikuti, antara lain adalah (1) diagnosis harus ditegakkan dengan isolasi dan identifikasi penyebab penyakit melalui pemeriksaan mikrobiologis (2) bibit penyakit harus peka terhadap obat terpilih (3) obat-obatan diberikan berdasarkan dosis dan waktu pemberian yang tepat yang sesuai dengan rekomendasi pabrik pembuat obat (4) harus dilakukan kontrol respon ternak terhadap obat yang telah diberikan (5) pengobatan hanya dilakukan apabila diproyeksikan masih menguntungkan (6) harus mengetahui dan mematuhi waktu henti obat (withdrawl time), untuk menghindari residu obat. Penggunaan antibiotik di bidang peternakan sudah sangat luas, baik sebagai imbuhan pakan maupun untuk tujuan pengobatan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan bisa menguntungkan atau merugikan tergantung dari berbagai faktor, termasuk dosis, route pemberian, dan sering tidaknya antibiotik jenis tertentu digunakan. Penggunaan Antibiotik dalam Bidang Peternakan Antibiotik merupakan senyawa kimia yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai jasad renik, seperti bakteri dan jamur yang memiliki fungsi menghentikan pertumbuhan atau membunuh jasad renik. Penicillin dihasilkan oleh Penicillium, Cephalosporin dihasilkan oleh Cephalosporium. Antibiotik yang diperoleh secara alami oleh mikroorganisme disebut antibiotik alami, antibiotik yang disintesis di laboratorium disebut antibiotik sintetis, seperti sulfa. Antibiotik yang dihasilkan oleh mikroorganisme dan dimodifikasi di laboratorium dengan menambahkan senyawa kimia disebut antibiotik semisintetis. Berdasarkan cara kerjanya, antibiotik dibedakan dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu (1) antibiotik penghambat sintesis dinding sel, misalnya Penicillin, Bacitrasin, Novobiosin, Sefalosporin dan Vancomisin (2) antibiotik perusak membrane sel, misalnya Polimixin, Colistin, Novobiosin, Gentamisin, Nistatin dan Amfoterisin B (3) antibiotik penghambat sintesis protein, misalnya Tetrasiklin, Khloramfenikol, Neomisin, Streptomisin, Kanamisin, eritromisin, Oleandomisin, Tilosin dan Linkomisin (4) antibiotik penghambat sintesis asam nukleat, misalnya Aktinomisin, Sulfonamida dan derivat kuinolon. Antibiotik dibedakan juga berdasarkan kemampuannya menekan pertumbuhan atau membunuh bakteri, yaitu antibiotik yang bersifat bakterisidal dan bakteriostatik. Antibiotik bakterisidal adalah antibiotik yang mampu membunuh sel bakteri, contohnya: Penicillin, Streptomisin, Bacitrasin, Neomisin, Polimiksin dan Nitrofurans. Antibiotik yang bersifat bakteriostatik yaitu antibiotik yang hanya mampu menekan pertumbuhan sel bakteri, contohnya: sediaan Sulfa, Tetrasiklin, Khloramfenikol, Eritromisin, Tilosin, Oleandomisin dan Nitrofuran. Secara umum antimikroba yang mempengaruhi pembentukan dinding sel atau permeabilitas membrane sel bekerja sebagai bakterisid, sedangkan yang mempengaruhi sintesis protein bekerja sebagai bakteriostatik.

Ciclosporin 439 Etoposide Ciclosporin inhibits P glycoprotein and increases the cytotoxicity of some anticancer drugs treatment croup order lamotrigine 50 mg with visa, including etoposide medications i can take while pregnant generic lamotrigine 25 mg online. In rats medicine games buy cheap lamotrigine 100mg on-line, ciclosporin caused higher tissue concentrations of etoposide as a direct consequence of higher plasma concentrations resulting from a reduced clearance of etoposide rather than as a consequence of changes in the tissue distribution of etoposide (326) medications covered by medicare purchase 25mg lamotrigine overnight delivery. Fluoroquinolones Although ciprofloxacin was initially thought to increase ciclosporin blood concentrations and enhance ciclosporin nephrotoxicity, no definite evidence to support this interaction has been found (327). A norfloxacin-induced increase in ciclosporin blood concentrations has been reported in children (5,248), while ofloxacin did not appear to alter ciclosporin metabolism (329). Foscarnet Foscarnet (330), but not ganciclovir (331), has also been involved in reversible renal insufficiency after concomitant use with ciclosporin. However, this has been strongly criticized and considered hazardous because of large interindividual variability and the commercial availability of different formulations of grapefruit juice with potentially different effects on ciclosporin pharmacokinetics (332). Histamine H2 receptor antagonists the available data on a possible interaction between histamine H2 receptor antagonists and ciclosporin are inconclusive. Whereas neither cimetidine nor ranitidine significantly altered ciclosporin pharmacokinetics, there was an increase in serum creatinine concentration in patients taking both ciclosporin and cimetidine, but not ranitidine. The clinical significance of this interaction is probably limited, and it has been attributed to competition of cimetidine with creatinine for tubular secretion (333). Among 110 ciclosporin-treated patients with heart transplants, four of 18 patients taking simvastatin 20 mg/day developed rhabdomyolysis, whereas none of the patients taking simvastatin 10 mg/day (26 patients) or pravastatin 20 mg/day (66 patients) had similar symptoms (334). The addition of atorvastatin (10 mg/day) to a multidrug regimen including ciclosporin in a 40-year-old patient with a renal transplant resulted in rhabdomyolysis within 2 months (336). Pharmacokinetic interactions Plasma concentrations of lovastatin- or simvastatin-active metabolites were increased in several patients and in a pharmacokinetic study, suggesting that ciclosporin can inhibit their metabolism (337­339). Fluvastatin or pravastatin may offer some advantages, as no significant drug interactions have been documented with ciclosporin, at least for pravastatin (341). From an analysis of changes in ciclosporin clearance and systemic availability obtained from the medical records of 100 transplant patients, atorvastatin, fluvastatin, pravastatin, and simvastatin were found to affect ciclosporin pharmacokinetics (305). Although there were no complications, such as myopathy or rhabdomyolysis, creatine kinase activity must be monitored during co-administration of simvastatin and ciclosporin. Ciclosporin produced a three- to five-fold increase in the plasma concentrations of cerivastatin and its metabolites in 12 patients with renal transplants who took cerivastatin 0. One patient developed a two-fold increase in transaminases after 2 weeks of atorvastatin therapy. A 53-year-old renal transplant recipient taking ciclosporin, azathioprine, and prednisone developed Є 2010 Elsevier B. The effects of a Hypericum extract 600 mg/day for 14 days on the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of ciclosporin have been investigated in an open study in 11 patients after kidney transplantation taking regular ciclosporin (353). It has been suggested that hyperforin is the active compound that produces these interactions, and formulations containing high and low amounts of hyperforin have been studied in patient with kidney transplants (355). The peak plasma concentration and the concentration at the end of a dosing interval were similarly affected, with 43% and 55% reductions. In addition, a 65% increase in daily ciclosporin dose was required during high-hyperforin St John9s wort treatment. In contrast, co-administration of low-hyperforin St John9s wort did not significantly affect ciclosporin pharmacokinetics and did not require ciclosporin dose adjustments compared with baseline. Data from 35 double-blind randomized trials showed that dropout and adverse effects rates in patients taking hypericum extracts were similar to placebo, lower than with older antidepressants, and slightly lower than with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (356). Dropout rates due to adverse effects in 17 observational studies including 35 562 patients were 0­5. Imidazoles Among the imidazole derivatives, numerous case reports or studies have shown that ketoconazole, fluconazole, and itraconazole can inhibit ciclosporin metabolism and increase blood ciclosporin concentrations (358). The suggested mechanism of the interaction of cerivastatin with ciclosporin is inhibition of transportermediated uptake of the statin in the liver, which is partly mediated by an organic anion transporting polypeptide-2 (346). These effects explain the increased plasma statin concentrations and the increased risk of muscle toxicity when these drugs are co-administered with statins (347). It caused a rapid dramatic fall in ciclosporin blood concentrations, resulting in acute heart transplant rejection in two patients aged 61 and 63 years (348). A 44-year-old black woman with a living-related renal transplant had an acute rejection within 3 months and was given muromonab but was from then on stable. She was later given oral ciclosporin (Neoral 2 mg/kg bd), mycophenolate mofetil 1000 mg bd, and prednisolone 7. Over 6 months her ciclosporin blood concentrations were consistently below the target concentration of 200 ng/ml.

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We encourage readers to seek interpretation by appropriate specialists when needed medications not to take during pregnancy buy 50mg lamotrigine with mastercard. Where feasible medicine of the people buy 200 mg lamotrigine free shipping, we have written the standards to be understood by readers from a wide variety of backgrounds treatment 5th metatarsal avulsion fracture cheap 200 mg lamotrigine overnight delivery. Relationship of the Standards to Laws symptoms enlarged prostate lamotrigine 100 mg free shipping, Ordinances, and Regulations the members of the technical panels could not annotate the standards to address local laws, ordinances, and regulations. Many of these legal requirements have a different intent from that addressed by the standards. Users of this document should check legal requirements that may apply to facilities in particular locales. In general, child care is regulated by at least three different legal entities or jurisdictions. Building inspectors enforce building codes to protect life and property in all buildings, not just child care facilities. Some of the standards should be written into state or local building codes, rather than into the licensing requirements. A number of different codes are intended to prevent the spread of disease in restaurants, hospitals, and other institutions where hazards and risky practices might exist. Many of these health codes are not specific to child care; however, specific provisions for child care might be found in a health code. Some of the provisions in the standards might be appropriate for incorporation into a health code. Usually, before a child care operator receives a license, the operator must obtain approvals from health and building safety authorities. Sometimes a standard is not included as a child care licensing requirement because it is covered in another code. Since children need full protection, the issues addressed in this document should be addressed in some aspect of public policy, and consistently addressed within a community. In an effective regulatory system, different inspectors do not try to regulate the same thing. Advocates should decide which codes to review in making sure that these standards are addressed appropriately in their regulatory systems. Although the licensing requirements are most usually affected, it may be more appropriate to revise the health or building codes to include certain standards, and it may be necessary to negotiate conflicts among applicable codes. Below are those standards and appendices that are new in the 3rd Edition or have had significant updates/ changes to the content since the 2nd Edition. Enhanced with information on positive behavior management and very limited use of time-out. Includes recommends procedures and policies for handling challenging behaviors to minimize expulsions. Updates language on what a care plan should cover for the rare exception of a child with a special behavioral or mental health issue that may exhibit a behavior that endangers his/her safety and others. Lowered ratios for infants and toddlers to be more in line with small family child care. Recommends healthy full-term infants can be safely enrolled in child care settings beginning at three months of age. Recommends consultants engage with a minimum of quarterly visits, and outlines experience, knowledge base, and role of the mental health consultant. Recommends consultants engage with a minimum of semi-annual visits, and outlines the experience, knowledge base, and role of an education consultant. Updated with new information on inappropriate infant sleeping equipment, pacifier use and swaddling. Includes addition that toothbrushes should be replaced at least every three to four months. Outlines procedure consistent with and complimentary to the diaper changing procedure. Provides guidelines for coordinating care, including eight interactive components.

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The virus that causes molluscum contagiosum is spread by person-to-person contact medications emt can administer purchase lamotrigine 25 mg with mastercard. It also may be transmitted by sharing towels and clothing containing residual virus acquired by contact with the lesions of an infected person medications that cause high blood pressure generic 200mg lamotrigine mastercard. Clusters of molluscum-associated lesions commonly occur on the trunk symptoms carbon monoxide poisoning lamotrigine 100 mg for sale, extremities symptoms 7 days after ovulation lamotrigine 100 mg with mastercard, and face. People with eczema or who are immunocompromised may have more extensive lesions that are present for prolonged periods of time (2). The virus causing these lesions is spread via person-toperson or person-to-object-to person; however, it is not very contagious. Despite its name, it is more likely that a person will spread the virus to a site on his or her body than to another individual. Hand hygiene should be regularly practiced to reduce opportunities for transmission of the virus causing molluscum contagiosum. Children and staff with molluscum contagiosum should not be excluded from child care. The time from contact to the appearance of a lesion or lesions may vary from weeks to months. In addition to hand hygiene after contact with lesions, sharing of clothing and towels should be avoided. People with molluscum contagiosum should be discouraged from touching and scratching their lesions (1). If a case of measles occurs in a child care setting, interrupting subsequent spread depends on prompt immunization of people at risk of exposure or people already exposed who cannot provide documentation of measles immunity, including date of immunization. Children and adults in child care who are not immunized or not age-appropriately immunized against measles should be excluded from care immediately if the child care facility has been notified of a documented case of measles occurring in a child or adult in the center. These children should not be allowed to return to the facility until at least two weeks after the onset of rash in the last case of measles, as determined by health department officials. In addition, the following resources may be useful to help with education and information about treatment. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on School Health, Committee on Infectious Diseases. Children and staff in close contact with an affected child should receive periodic inspections for early lesions and should receive therapy, if lesions are noted. Treatment of ringworm of the scalp requires oral medicine for four to six weeks (1). Treatment of ringworm of the body requires topical medicine for a minimum of four weeks (2). Oral therapy is available if lesions are extensive or unresponsive to topical therapy. Direct contact with sources of ringworm should be avoided to prevent transmission (1,2). The lesion resulting from the fungal infection is usually circular (hence the term "ringworm") but other non-fungal and noninfectious rashes may have a similar appearance. People receiving oral treatment for ringworm of the scalp may attend child care or school. Haircuts, shaving of the scalp, and wearing of head coverings are not indicated for treatment of tinea capitis. Using long sleeves or long pants to cover extremity lesions is sufficient to reduce the shedding of spores and transfer of topical medications from the sores to surfaces in the child care facility. Parents/guardians of affected children should be notified and informed that their child must be treated before returning to the child care facility. In addition to treating the affected child with a pediculicide (an agent used to destroy lice), any items such as headgear, pillowcases, and towels that have come into contact with the affected child in the forty-eight hours prior to treatment should be laundered in hot water. Children and staff who have been in close contact with an affected child should be examined and treated if infested, defined as the presence of adult lice or nits (eggs) on a hair shaft within three to four millimeters from the scalp. Transmission occurs by direct contact with hair of infested people and less commonly by direct contact with personal items of infested people. Head lice are not a health hazard because they are not responsible for spread of any disease. The institution of "no-nit" policies before permitting return of an infested child to child care or school are not effective in controlling transmission (2).


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