

David A. Wald, DO

  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Emergency Medicine
  • Temple University School of Medicine
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola) In the Northwest region allergy xanthan gum order 5 mg desloratadine otc, white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) threatens allergy symptoms for ragweed discount 5 mg desloratadine free shipping, damages allergy testing ipswich qld 5 mg desloratadine visa, or kills western white pine (Pinus monticola) allergy july buy generic desloratadine 5mg, sugar pine (P. The future of whitebark pine in the Pacific Northwest is a serious concern due to C. The rust, which is native to Asia, was introduced to Western North America around 1910, on nursery stock from France imported into Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Liebhold et al. Over the next several decades, the pathogen had spread on that host throughout much of Washington and. This rust fungus is an obligate, biotrophic (requires a live host) pathogen with a complex life cycle that requires an alternate host, primarily currants, along with the white pine host for the disease to occur (Geils et al. The European (North American) gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar dispar) was included in the historical summary (Furniss and Carolin 1977), but the Asian gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar asiatica/ japonica) has been detected recently in the vicinity of the coastal ports of the Northwest region (see below). Several insect species that already damage or threaten to damage forest trees and horticultural crops in the Northwest region are highlighted below. The symptoms of attack by balsam woolly adelgid, especially on young fir trees, include buds failing to open and twigs becoming enlarged at the nodes and around the buds. In the 1950s, a major balsam woolly adelgid outbreak killed or "seriously weakened" over 3,539,606 m3 (1. The life cycle of this species (and related adelgids) is unusual (Havill and Foottit 2007; Havill et al. In apparent synergy with climate change effects, the invasive threat here is to high-elevation stands of subalpine fir, which play an important ecological function in regulation of snow melt and wildlife habitat and have a modest, yet measureable, timber value (Alexander 1987; Steele et al. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is an economically and ecologically important invasive pest of hemlock trees (Tsuga spp. Two non-native species in this program, a beetle, Laricobius erichsonii, and a fly, Leucopis obscura, were introduced originally into the Northwest region to control hemlock woolly adelgid (Furniss and Carolin 1977). However, a native species of beetle, Laricobius nigrinus, and two native species of flies, Leucopis argenticollis and Leucopis piniperda, have been recognized as predators of hemlock woolly adelgid in Idaho (L. An ensemble of other sapsucking insects has invaded the Northwest region and has, at times, threatened the health of native trees (Table A3. A subsequent survey in this area for both larch casebearer and the two principal parasitoids revealed that both the defoliator and the introduced natural enemies were widespread, that parasitism rates ranged from 1. These defoliators are the European (North American) gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar dispar) and the Asian gypsy moth (Lymantria asiatica/japonica) (see Chap. The Canadian province of British Columbia has also experienced frequent introductions and attempted eradications of these moths (Myers et al. With its broader host range (that includes conifers) and the flight capacity of females, Asian gypsy moth is considered a greater threat to the forests of the Western United States. Other potentially invasive moth defoliators that threaten forest trees in the Northwest region are the nun moth (L. Increased trade with the Russian Far East and other parts of Asia has greatly increased the frequency of encounters that regulatory entomologists face with Asian gypsy moth and other lymantriid moths. Potential pathways included egg masses or pupae attached to ship cargo from Asia and then moved inland as the cargo was offloaded or dispersal of young larvae or adults from cargo on board or from the ship superstructure to sites on shore. These pathways are likely as Asian gypsy moth egg masses are intercepted annually on ships and cargo in Washington and Oregon ports. In response to the 2015 detection of Asian gypsy moth, a technical working group proposed a combination of insecticide treatment and delimitation trapping in the areas where moths were detected. Approximately 11,000 delimitation traps were placed in Washington, and approximately 3100 traps were placed in Oregon. In 2015, a population of European gypsy moth found in the Seattle area raised the concern that this population might mix with the contemporaneously detected Asian gypsy moth populations. Many of the species were originally from Europe, but had first invaded eastern North America before they were introduced into the Northwest region (Looney et al. Although parasitism counts were low, conserving or augmenting these biological control agents may lead to greater pest suppression in unmanaged areas. Many of the invasive mollusks of concern in the Northwest spread rapidly and can attain large population sizes that displace native species. These taxa can accrue prey resources rapidly, affecting foundation levels of food webs (algae, phytoplankton) in aquatic systems. Introductions of some species are likely tied to inadvertent human transmission, such as in ship ballast water or in boats or fishing gear.

Further work is required to determine its success under the more extreme weather conditions and more fragmented ash occurrences experienced in this region allergy forecast euless tx cheap desloratadine 5mg online. State forest plant health reports in the Plains also include the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky) allergy medicine 19 month old buy 5 mg desloratadine overnight delivery, which colonizes a wide range of hardwood hosts allergy shots im or sq buy desloratadine 5mg without prescription, and sirex woodwasp (Sirex noctilio F allergy forecast nyc buy desloratadine 5mg with mastercard. Invasive Plant Sci Manag 4:189­197 Ball J (2016) Chapter 1: Environmental stresses. J Range Manag 39(6):547­551 Burquez A, Martinez-Yrzar A, Miller M et al (1998) Mexican grasslands and the changing aridlands of Mexico: an overview and a case study in northwestern Mexico. Ecol Appl 11:128­141 Lesica P (2009) Can regeneration of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) be restored in declining woodlands in eastern Montana? In: Robertson G, Mason A (eds) Assessing the sustainability of agricultural and urban forests in the United States. J Insect Conserv 19:279­292 Tellman B (1997) Exotic pest plant introduction in the American southwest. Texas A&M University, College Station Tisserat N, Cranshaw W (2016) Chapter 31: Thousand cankers disease. Temperature, afterripening, and moisture relations of Salsola seeds as determined by laboratory studies. Five States border the Great Lakes, in addition to numerous inland lakes and the Missouri and Mississippi River systems. Forty percent of all the water surface area in the continental United States is located within the Midwest. Abundance of water within the region influences trade (shipping ports, river traffic), recreation, agriculture, and ecology. The oak-hickory (Quercus-Carya) forest type occupies the greatest proportion of the forested area (40%), followed by maple-beech-birch (Acer-Fagus-Betula) (15%) and aspen-birch (Populus-Betula) (14%). Conifer types, including 9% spruce-fir (Picea-Abies) and 6% pine (Pinus), are also important, particularly in the Lake States. Bottomland hardwoods rise to importance in this region, with 11% of the area comprising the elm-ash-cottonwood (Ulmus-FraxinusPopulus deltoides) forest type. Human actions and their interactions with their environment exacerbate the movement and impacts of invasive species. Non-native Appendix: Regional Summaries 415 invasive species have affected forests and aquatic systems since the time of European settlement, with landscape-level impacts extending into even the most remote areas of the region. Other non-native insects have had impacts that linger in our forests, including larch sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii), larch casebearer (Coleophora laricella), Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), birch leafminer (Profenusa thomsoni), European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer), introduced pine sawfly (Diprion similis), and elongate hemlock scale (Fiorinia externa). The insect has been the focus of government-sponsored programs for more than 100 years. In particular, the highly specific insect pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga has become widely established in the Midwest and may be contributing to the natural suppression of gypsy moth populations. Hemlocks are considered a foundation species which define forest structure and control ecosystem dynamics (Havill et al. The insect, which causes tree decline and mortality, is now present in many eastern States and has recently been confirmed in the Midwest in 13 eastern counties of Ohio and 5 counties in Michigan. The State has quarantined the four infested counties and has initiated surveys to delimit the infested area and look for new infestations. First discovered in the Detroit metropolitan area in 2002, subsequent detections have occurred in Ohio (2003), Indiana (2004), Illinois (2006), Wisconsin (2008), Minnesota (2009), Iowa (2010), and Missouri (2008). The eventual cost of treatment, removal, and replacement of infested ash trees in communities is estimated to be as high as $10. Commerce and movement of infested nursery stock and wood products such as firewood are major contributors to the spread of the insect. An aggressive eradication effort was successful, eliminating the insect from that location by 2008. The goal is to eradicate the pest from the woodlots and natural forest stands in this Ohio infestation. Pathogens of Trees Invasive pathogens have caused serious ecological and economic impacts to Midwestern forests.

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In this subsection allergy goldenrod buy cheap desloratadine 5 mg online, we focus on impacts of invasive insect and pathogen pests of trees not only because of the economic and aesthetic importance of trees to human society but also because trees frequently shape the structure and function of the terrestrial ecosystems in which they occur allergy associates of lacrosse desloratadine 5 mg low price. Nonetheless allergy forecast ks buy cheap desloratadine 5 mg line, it should be recognized that invasive insects allergy shots for poison ivy cheap desloratadine 5 mg mastercard, other invertebrates, and pathogens of other plant or even non-plant hosts cause a variety of impacts in terrestrial systems. For example, high levels of defoliation by larval gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) reduce carbohydrate allocation to roots and shoots, cause nitrogen (N) deficiency due to reduced N uptake by roots, and result in growth loss and top dieback (Kosola et al. Phloem-feeding by larval emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) hinders transport of photosynthates and nutrients, decreases essential foliar amino acids, and culminates in rapid tree mortality (Chen et al. Even minor damage associated with feeding or host colonization by certain invasive insects can predispose. Adult beetles in this group are also known as metallic woodborers, as emphasized in this case by the brilliant green color of emerald ash borer adults. The spread has been described as "stratified," consisting of natural flight dispersal of the adults and longer distance humanassisted spread, largely through infested ash (Fraxinus spp. Ecological effects include altered understory environment, nutrient cycles, and successional trajectories; facilitation of the spread of lightlimited invasive plants; and increased coarse woody debris. Elimination of ash as a consequence of the feeding activity of larval emerald ash borers threatens nearly 100 species of ash-dependent native invertebrate herbivores (Wagner and Todd 2015). Economically, emerald ash borer is the most destructive and costly forest insect to have invaded the United States (Aukema et al. The multi-billion dollar cost projections are based largely on removal costs for infested and dead ash trees in communities throughout the Midwest. It should be noted that even when host plant species comprise only a very small percentage of the regional biota, impacts may be considered severe in systems where the host is locally abundant. For example, the highly virulent, host-specific pathogen of laurel wilt disease kills nearly all mature stems of native Persea spp. The success of invasive species in their non-native ranges has been viewed traditionally as a function of release from natural enemies, and/or a lack of co-evolved defenses in naive hosts (Elton 1958), frequently resulting in greater negative impacts than that occur in interactions among coevolved species (Paolucci et al. For invasive insects, evidence for release from enemies has been derived primarily from the successful biological control of several species in natural systems including the European spruce sawfly (Gilpinia hercyniae), larch casebearer (Coleophora laricella), and winter moth (Operophtera brumata) (see Van Driesche et al. Of course, not all invasive insects or pathogens succeed primarily due to enemy release or can be effectively managed via biological control. For example, a robust biological control program is being pursued for the emerald ash borer, and there is recent evidence of released and native parasitoids reducing population growth (Duan et al. Chestnut blight Sudden oak death White pine blister rust Port-Orfordcedar root disease Butternut canker Eastern Western Eastern and western Western Anagnostakis (1987) Grьnwald et al. Lack of co-evolutionary history may result in defensive mismatches between native plants and their invasive herbivores or pathogens, such as when elicitor-receptor-based defenses are not recognized or only weakly induced in a 20 A. A growing body of research on ash indicates that differences in both constitutive and induced defenses (especially in phloem chemistry) confer resistance of Asian ash species to the emerald ash borer relative to susceptible North American congeners (Poland et al. The escape of pathogens from their usual selection pressures when introduced into new environments and onto new hosts can provide opportunities for rapid evolution and hybridization that may also influence the magnitude of their impact (Brasier 2001; Hansen 2008; Parker and Gilbert 2004). Because numerous eastern oak species and certain associated understory forest plants have shown susceptibility to this disease, there is a potential risk to oak forests beyond the regulated areas. Collaborative management in practice has many challenges, but with lessons learned in California and Oregon, it may be possible to successfully mitigate the negative impacts of P. These impacts are particularly pronounced when the host plant of the invasive insect or pathogen is a "foundation species" that defines the structure of the community and has a stabilizing effect on ecosystem processes (Ellison et al. From the perspective of human populations, the impact of invasive insects and pathogens on species, communities, and ecosystems is most acutely experienced via changes in the 2 Impacts of Invasive Species in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems in the United States 21. Ecological impacts of major forest pests naturally translate into effects on various types of services, i. Tree mortality caused by invasive insects and pathogens leads to enormously high costs of tree removal, other management responses, and reduced property values in urban and residential landscapes. Impacts are particularly large when the affected native organism is a "foundation species" that defines and stabilizes ecosystem processes. Factors influencing the success of invasive insects and pathogens include their release from natural enemies, "pheromone-free space," defensive mismatches between plants and invaders, and/or rapid change when released from usual selection pressures.

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Some detailed targets are laudable and essential allergy forecast waco texas order 5mg desloratadine mastercard, such as managing chemicals and their wastes (12 allergy medicine removed from market discount desloratadine 5mg. While this formulation allows room for developing countries to adjust according to their own circumstances allergy medicine that works quickly buy generic desloratadine 5mg on line, it lacks any categorical rejection of such subsidies in the developed world allergy treatment chiropractic buy desloratadine 5 mg otc. Apart from the title line, the word sustainable is not included in the targets and indicators; economic growth is the only item that is slated to be sustained here, while the ecological basis of economies, usually regarded as intrinsic to the concept of sustainability (Daly 1990), is absent. The connection between economic growth and job-creation is also simply assumed, despite the fact that the track record of market-oriented, capital intensive expansion is not encouraging (Hirway and Shah 2011). Where the object is profit-generation under the market model, cost reduction is a routine strategy and leads to mechanisation and job-shedding. Instead, the empirical evidence shows both an ever-increasing rate of extraction (Figure 5. Ecological Economics: Solutions for the Future - 118 regarded as reasonable, we are already more than 50% over the target and still moving in the wrong direction. In addition, such throughput will increase greenhouse gas emissions by 43%, reduce forests by more than 20% and other habitats (mainly grassland and savannahs) by a similar amount (Ibid). It argues that this can be achieved through resource efficiency, technological advances and circular production with maximum reuse and recycling. There is no evidence that such useful (but inadequate) measures will exert sufficient downward pressure on the ever-increasing level of extraction. If decisions rely on short term profit and avoidance of government involvement, such policies are highly unlikely to receive widespread adoption. While the recommended strategies of efficiencies, circular production and technological advance may mitigate the problems, genuine permanent decoupling is improbable (Higgs 2019) or perhaps impossible (Victor and Jackson 2015; Alexander and Rutherford 2019). Permanent decoupling requires ongoing reductions in impacts alongside increases in material flows. The assumption that technology can enable growth in extraction and pollution rests on faith in decoupling. Unless effective action is taken, we will be extracting 190 billion tonnes of materials by 2060, almost four times the amount that numerous researchers consider sustainable (see above). In the early post-war decades, population control was a preferred emphasis of the wealthy consumer economies in dealing with hunger and poverty, diverting attention away from our own conspicuous and unsustainable consumption. However, this change applies to a relatively limited sector of these populations-the wealth created during 70 years of economic growth has not been well distributed and vast numbers of people remain trapped in poverty with little prospect of any transition. It is vital to remember that, on average, people in the developing world consume relatively little in per capita terms and it is population growth in wealthy countries such as Australia that contributes most to impacts on land, oceans and climate. In some countries, such as Malaysia, Madagascar, Honduras and Papua New Guinea, 50-60% of species loss is directly attributable to activities conducted on behalf of the North, for example clearing for crops such as coffee, sisal, cocoa and palm oil, or for timber. Average species decline attributable to such activities in the developing world was found to be 30% (Lenzen et al. The trend towards increasing affluence in the emerging middle classes of the South involves the adoption of western dietary habits such as meat-eating and western travel habits such as personal cars. The idea that everyone can Ecological Economics: Solutions for the Future - 122 replicate these wasteful practices ignores the levels of extraction and pollution that are inevitably attached. Population determines the scale of services that will be required and the scale of the economy that will be required to provide them. He calculated that to supply even 20% of Northern affluence across all people in the South would necessitate a total and immediate freeze on Northern consumption. Apart from China, developing countries showed greater internal inequality than Europe, Russia, or North America. Oxfam (2018) estimated that 82% of all wealth created globally in 2017 flowed to the top 1%, with no increase whatsoever for the bottom 50%, most of whom live in the South. But the existing world economic system is entrenched and there seems little prospect of replacing it. Indeed, the injunction to pursue economic growth, a mainstay of the accepted solutions put forward for decades, is a key plank in the existing system which requires ongoing profit. Ecological Economics: Solutions for the Future - 123 control a majority of the entire global productive apparatus19 and depend on growth of both production and consumption for their continued success at generating this profit. Just as in the early post-war years, the rich world continues to avoid the claims of redistributive justice. It will also demand significant reform, if not transformation, of the economic system. They are multifaceted organisations able to contract out elements of their production chains in different countries to take advantage of low wages, permissive regulation, or low taxes.


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