

Janeta F. Tansey, MD

  • Clinical Associate Professor
  • Department of Psychiatry and
  • Program in Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities
  • Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
  • University of Iowa
  • Iowa City, Iowa

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Maintenance of muscle integrity is essential during their growth medications quizlet discount lukol 60caps free shipping, as muscle functionality is required for larval mobility and later for pupation 97110 treatment code generic 60 caps lukol fast delivery. The neuromuscular junction is a synaptic connection between the terminal end of a motor nerve and the muscle (Menon et al medicine nobel prize purchase 60 caps lukol with mastercard. We describe here a simple procedure medicine 6mp medication buy lukol 60 caps lowest price, a simplified version of the protocol described by Ramachandran and Budnik (2010), to visualize the segmental body wall muscles and In: Experiments with Drosophila for Biology Courses. This method would be useful in understanding effects of gene mutations or other conditions like the fly models for human disorders that affect skeletal muscle development, their innervations (see Chapter 27), and formation and activity of neuro-muscular junctions. Objective: Examination of the organization of body wall muscles and their innervations in third instar larvae of Drosophila. Larval dissection tray: Melt paraffin wax by heating in a small beaker and pour into a clean small Petri dish (5 cm diameter) to ~ 3/4th of its height. Pair of fine dissecting needles or insulin syringe needles, fine pair of forceps, fine hair brush for handling and dissecting larvae vi. Pin down the larva on the paraffin wax with insect pins inserted at the dorsal anterior and posterior ends. While looking through the dissecting microscope, use fine sharp-tipped dissection or insulin needle to carefully make an incision. To make a stretched fillet, hold each corner of the dorsal body wall with fine forceps and gently stretch it sideways and fix them using fine pins. Stretch each corner evenly to ensure that all muscles are properly stretched. Flatten the body wall muscles further by adjusting positions of the pins with the help of forceps so that the fillet assumes a near rectangular shape. Examine the preparation under stereo-binocular microscope using higher magnification objective (5-8X) to determine the quality of preparation. Cover with a watch glass and leave it for 5-10 min for staining at room temperature. Carefully blot out 50% acetic acid and immediately place a drop of 50% glycerol on the stained fillet and cover with a coverslip, without trapping air bubbles. Examine the preparation under a stereo-binocular microscope using 5x or higher objective magnification. Note: In case the stereo-binocular is not equipped with a base light for observation with transmitted light, the preparation can be examined under a bright field microscope using 4/5x or 10x objective. Observe and identify the segmentally repeated stereotyped patterns of various muscles in the thoracic and abdominal segments. Identify the brain hemispheres and ventral nerve cord and the nerves that emerge from them to innervate the muscles and body segments. How do you think the differently oriented muscles help the larva move in a meandering path Compare the body muscle patterns and their innervation in Drosophila embryo. Larva pinned (white arrows) on dissecting tray (Petri dish [10 cm dia] with paraffin wax); B. Fillet with dorso-lateral cuticle flaps stretched out laterally and pinned (white arrows) after internal viscera is removed; E. Numbers in E indicate the various muscles identified after Hooper (1986) and Schulman et al. If it inserts in the regulatory or transcribed region of a gene, that gene may undergo insertional mutation with alterations in its expression, which may result in a mutant phenotype. In fact, many of the spontaneous mutant alleles known in Drosophila melanogaster are because of transposon induced mutation in the original wild type allele. This transposon is 2907 bp long and is characterized by the presence of 31 bp long inverted terminal repeats and a gene coding for the transposase. The transposase enzyme, when active, causes excision of the P-element from one site and re-insertion at other site/s by acting on the terminal inverted repeat sequences. Since the P-element transposition requires only the transposase activity and the specific terminal repeat sequences, Drosophila geneticists devised elegant methods for controlled mobilization and/or insertion of a P-element sequence in Drosophila melanogaster genome. In recent years, a large variety of P-element vectors have become available to suit specific requirements for germline transformation (see Ashburner, 1989). Very efficient and versatile mutagenesis methods that use the above two type of defective P-elements have also been developed and employed with great success.

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An axon always induces a positive activity - for example medications 7 buy lukol 60 caps overnight delivery, causing muscle cells to contract or stimulating epithelial cells to secrete symptoms jaw bone cancer lukol 60caps mastercard. Gray matter contains the perikarya of neurons and their closely related processes medicine zebra generic lukol 60 caps mastercard, whereas white matter is composed chiefly of bundles or masses of axons and their surrounding sheaths medicine 93 7338 discount lukol 60 caps mastercard. In the spinal cord, gray matter has a central location surrounded by white matter; in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices, gray matter is at the periphery and covers the white matter. Aggregates of perikarya occur within the gray matter of the central nervous system and act as distinct functional units called nuclei. Similar aggregates or individual neurons located outside the central nervous system are called ganglia. Some neurons have numerous, welldeveloped dendrites and very long axons that leave the gray matter to enter the white matter of the central nervous system and ascend or descend in the major fiber tracts of the brain or spinal cord or leave the central nervous system and contribute to the formation of peripheral nerves. Neurons of this type conduct impulses over long distances and are called Golgi type I neurons. These are especially numerous in the cerebellar and cerebral cortices and retina of the eye. Bipolar neurons have a single dendrite and an axon, usually located at opposite poles of the perikaryon. They are found in the retina, olfactory epithelium, and cochlear and vestibular ganglia. Neurons of all craniospinal ganglia originate as bipolar neurons in the embryo, but during development, the dendrite and axon migrate to a common site in the cell body, where they unite to form a single process. The combined process, often called a dendraxon, may run for a short distance and then divide into two processes, one of which serves as a dendrite and receives stimuli from peripheral regions of the body and the other acts as an axon and enters the gray matter of the central nervous system to synapse with other neurons. Although the process directed toward the periphery acts as a dendrite, it is unusual because, morphologically, it resembles an axon. This functional dendrite is smooth and unbranched and usually receives nervous input from a receptor organ. They vary considerably in size and shape and are characterized by multiple dendrites. Macroscopically, cranial and spinal ganglia appear as globular swellings on the sensory roots of their respective nerves. Each ganglion is enveloped by a connective tissue capsule and may contain perikarya of only a few neurons or as many as 55,000. A delicate network of collagenous and reticular fibers, accompanied by small blood vessels, extends between individual neurons and together with bundles of nerve processes often separates the perikarya into groups. The outer capsule lies immediately outside the basal lamina of the satellite cells and consists of a delicate vascular connective tissue. Cranial and spinal ganglia are sensory ganglia and contain pseudounipolar neurons. The dendraxon of the pseudounipolar neuron may become convoluted to form a glomerulus. This nerve process then divides: One branch, a functional dendrite, passes to a receptor organ; the other, a functional axon, passes into the central nervous system. The perikarya of these pseudounipolar neurons do not receive synapses from other neurons. Autonomic ganglia consist of collections of perikarya of visceral efferent motor neurons and are located in swellings along the sympathetic chain or in the walls of organs supplied by the autonomic nervous system. Lipofuscin granules are more frequent in neurons of autonomic ganglia than in craniospinal ganglia. The ganglia of larger sympathetic chains are encapsulated by satellite cells, but a capsule may be absent around ganglia in the walls of the viscera. Unlike craniospinal ganglia, neurons of autonomic ganglia receive numerous synapses and are influenced by other neurons. Large nerve fibers are enclosed by a lipoprotein material called myelin; smaller nerve fibers may or may not be surrounded by myelin. Axons of peripheral nerves are enclosed by a sheath of flattened cells called Schwann cells. These cells are thin, attenuated cells with flattened, elongate nuclei located near the center of the cells. Their cytoplasm contains a small Golgi complex, a few scattered profiles of granular endoplasmic reticulum, scattered mitochondria, microtubules, microfilaments, and at times, numerous lysosomes.

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It acts primarily on epiphyseal cartilages to increase linear growth of bone medicine 44-527 buy lukol 60caps amex, increases organ size and lean body mass and plays a role in regulating body metabolism treatment varicose veins discount lukol 60 caps without a prescription. Many of the effects attributed to growth hormone are through the production and action of a family of protein molecules known as somatomedins produced in the liver medicine 3202 discount lukol 60 caps without prescription. This homology and their insulinlike biological activities have lead to the term insulin-like growth factors symptoms xanax addiction discount 60 caps lukol with visa, a synonym for somatomedins. Somatomedins circulate bound to carrier proteins and have half lives considerably longer than growth hormone. The second type of acidophil, the mammotroph, tends to be more scattered within the cellular cords. Active cells contain granular endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, and scattered lysosomes. The cytoplasm also contains irregular granules that measure 550 to 615 nm in diameter. Mammotrophs secrete prolactin, which promotes mammary gland development and lactation. Prolactin together with growth hormone, adrenocorticoids, estrogen and progesterone are necessary for normal breast development to occur. The concentration of prolactin rises progressively during pregnancy but is kept from showing its lactogenic effect by the high concentration of progesterone and estrogen. The effect of these three hormones is to continue to stimulate tubuloalveolar growth of the mammary glands within the breast tissue. The decrease of estrogen and progesterone levels resulting from the loss of the placenta after birth allows the lactogenic effects of prolactin to be expressed and results in milk production. Basophilic cells of pars distalis consist of three types of cells: corticotrophs, thyrotrophs, and gonadotrophs. Corticotrophs generally are round or ovoid and larger than most acidophilic cells. In humans, the cells contain numerous secretory granules, 350 to 400 nm in diameter that are similar in appearance to the granules of somatotrophs. The cytoplasm often contains lipid droplets and small filaments ranging from 6 to 8 nm in diameter. The different hormones produced by acidophils and basophils in the adenohypophysis also are produced as prohormones, but how these are cleaved to form the active hormone is not well understood. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone also is important in stimulating the production of adrenal androgens. The thyrotroph type of basophil often is angular in shape and may form small groups deep in the parenchymal cords, at some distance from the sinusoids. At 130 to 150 nm in diameter, their secretory granules are the smallest of any granules in the parenchymal cells of the hypophysis. Thyrotrophs secrete a glycoprotein, thyrotropin (thyroid- stimulating hormone), which stimulates the thyroid to produce and release thyroid hormone. They are generally smaller than corticotropic basophils, often show only a scattering of granules, and usually are round in shape. The cytoplasm shows profiles of granular endoplasmic reticulum, prominent Golgi complexes, and scattered lysosomes. The cells of the corpus luteum produce large amounts of progesterone and estradiol throughout its life span. Testosterone is essential for sperm maturation and for development and the maintenance of secondary sex organs and characteristics in men. Androgen binding protein is essential for the normal spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis to occur. The remaining general cell type, the chromophobe, usually is small and confined to the interior of the parenchymal cords. This accords with the hypothesis that cells of the pars distalis cycle, first accumulating secretory granules and then releasing them.

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